Is He More Than Just a Friend?

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~Aureylian's POV~

I woke up early the next, it feel kind of strange sleeping in another persons bed. After I clean up, i walked out in to the living room to see if Jordan's awake. But he is still in his slumber. I couldn't help myself from smiling while look at him sleep. He looks so calm and handsome. I decided to make some breakfast, as a form of payment to Jordan for letting me stay, and plus he seems to like my dinner last night. I decided to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, because i didn't want to make a lot of noise that would wake Jordan. I put the sandwiches on the table along with two glasses of orange juice, Jordan's favorite drink. When I finish, I look over at the clock and saw that it's time to wake Jordan because we both need to get to E3.

"Jordan Wake up!" I yelled from the kitchen.


"Jordan I made you, breakfast~"


Is he really not waking up? I decided to walk over to the couch. I was reaching to wake him by the shoulder, he pull me over onto the couch with him.

" Noooo this is too early, we shouldn't be waking up this early" Jordan making excuses

I was trying to get up, because right now we both are lying on the couch,and he is hugging me like a body pillow and wouldn't let me go. I actually could hear my heart going faster than normal. I feel the heat coming on. This is the first physical interaction we have, but it feel so intimate. We suddenly lock in each other's gaze for a few second. That moment I got the feel of love and realized that I don't actually see as just a friend. We are so close that I could feel his heart beat going faster and his ear turning red. I decided to break the gaze

"Um.. we really need to go" I told Jordan

"Oh Yea, you made breakfast right? Let's eat "

He let go of me and we both walk to the kitchen and started to eat our sandwiches. After we are done, I gather the plate and wash them, while Jordan's getting ready. When I'm done with the dishes, Jordan walk out in his black t-shirt and white gym-short.

"Are you really going to E3 in those gym short?" I ask him

"What? they are comfortable and I'm gonna be walking and standing all day" Jordan took offense of his short.

"whatever, can we go now?"


When we reach E3, Jordan walked me to the twitch booth and he called Tom(Syndicate). After talking to Tom, Jordan said that he is going to head out to find Tom, but he said I have to wait for him before going to lunch. I just agree maybe, we are getting lunch together or something.

When it's my lunch break, Jordan and a bunch of his friend came to pick me up and we all when for some sushi! It's my favorite food, I love it so much.

"This place have the best sushi in LA" Tom told me. " Jordan, loves sushi"

"Really, my favorite food is sushi!" I told Tom

"Wow you guys are very similar" Tom point at us both

Both me and Jordan just smile

"I guess" Jordan replied while looking at me.

~after lunch~

"Whoa, that's really good, thanks for bringing me here" I told Tom. As we walked out of the restaurant, then suddenly Jordan came up between us. " What are you doing?"

"I'm doing anything, I'm just walking" Jordan reply.

Don't tell me that he did that just because he is jealous! Is he really jealous? That's so cute, now I just wanted to make him jealous on purpose because he is so cute when he's mad. But I'm not going to do it. I just give a little laugh and just walk back.

At the end of the day Jordan drove us home, and he when straight to recording, and I called boo's dad asking about Boo because I really missed her. After I end my call with boo, i went into the kitchen and cook dinner. When everything is ready, i called Jordan, he seem so happy to see food, we both decided to eat while watching some Harry Potter. Turns out we both love reading Harry Potter. Tom is right we have a lot in common.

Fast forward to the last day of E3, Jordan decided to go out for a drink with a few friend and he drag me along. I didn't drink much, but Jordan is really drunk. I decided that we should stop drinking when Jordan started to talk non-sense. So I said bye to his friend and drag him on a taxi. When I got home, I put Jordan to bed in his own and was going to sleep in the couch. But as I walk away from the bed, Jordan grab my wrist, till i fell onto the bed.

"Stay....Like this..... Please" Jordan probably doesn't know what he's talking about. I was trying to make him let go of my wrist, but he's too strong. I was so tired that I just lay there with Jordan holding onto me.

When I wake up in the morning, our sleeping position have switched. I am now lying on to his chest, half of my face buried into his neck, my hand laying on his chest. He also have one hand kind of holding me. This feel so good I didn't want to wake up. I wish i could lay like this all day long. But I decided that it's wrong. So I decided to wake him up.

"Jordan wake up" I started shaking his body.

"Huh? umm okay i'm up." then he realized that he has me on his arm. "Woah did i do something last night? if i did something wrong I am really sorry, I didn't mean it"

"it's ok Jordan. We were both are very tired and drunk. So i guess we kindda just drag ourselves into this situation. but i should really get up because I need to catch my flight"

So i got up took a shower, made breakfast, eat breakfast and started to do my make-up.

"I thought you need to catch a flight? Why are you doing your makeup? no one is going to pay attention, come on your gonna be late" Jordan tries to hurries me

"Ok ok i'm done, let's go"

On the car ride to the airport, I told Jordan, how thankful I am that he has help me soo much. When we arrived at the airport, I hug Jordan goodbye and walked in. When I turned back I saw Jordan stand on the same spot looking at me. Staying with Jordan is a really nice experience, how will i ever repay him?

The Sparkly That Loves Me (Aureylian and Captainsparklez)Where stories live. Discover now