The place of morning sunlight (TheNewSappho/RoyalistWriter)

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By TheNewSappho and RoyalistWriter

The place of morning sunlight

A place of happiness, of warmth and silence.

Where nature reverberates with man, a place of coexistence.

Where all bathe in the same yellow light, where differences disappear.

Under the big blue, there are no lies,

Everything is sincere.

The warm light brings out the best in existence, neighbor turns to neighbor with pure benevolence.

Its light gives us hope for a better tomorrow, to reach there we must show vigilance.

This light we carry in our hearts is the warmth we give,

We only have one life, live it peacefully and learn to forgive.

Because when the lights go out, it's the sun we remember,

To end the darkness, light is the answer.

It all begins with compassion, soft and bright,

And ends with delight, making everything alright.

Collaboration - June 2018 ContestWhere stories live. Discover now