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We hop into his car, full of people who's names I can't seem to remember. 

"SARAH!" they say in unison.

"Um, hey.."

As you could see, I really don't want to be here. In a car full of people I really don't know or give a rip about. This is so uncomfortable.

"Okay everyone, buckle up!" Bryon gripped his hands on the wheel and pressed down on the gas.

I put on my ear buds and looked out the window to drown out the sound of them singing childish songs. The breeze coming in from the slightly cracked window causes me to get enough goosebumps to shiver a bit. The sky is gray and smells of rain. The smell of rain has always relaxed me. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

The car stops and I felt a hand on my shoulder waking me up.

"Hey Sar, c'mon you'll miss it!"

"Where are we?"

"Come out you'll see."

I got out slowly to join them. It is pouring and the rain is cold. I put my hood up and stood by the others. We are on a cliff above a beach in the middle of nowhere. The sound of the waves crashing onto shore felt like paradise, I never wanted to leave. I felt a gentle hand grab mine.

"Your hand is so cold and bony." She said quietly.

I scoffed as she grabbed it tighter. Soon after all 5 of us were holding hands together staring deeply at the peaceful crashing waves. I inhaled and exhaled slowly. Yet I wondered why Bryon brought us here. Somehow I feel as if this was supposed to be a stress reliever, if so I appreciate it so much.

"How do you all feel now? I bet you're glad I scooped you all up. I brung you all out here because you all seem to be going through tough times. I know none of you really know each other that well, but now you can." Bryon says while letting go of our hands.

We all smiled. I felt a tap on my shoulder, it was the girl who first held my hand.

"Hey Sarah, I know you don't really know me.. but my name is Cory. I've heard a lot about you from Bry, he's really something isn't he? Oh, and sorry for holding your hand so suddenly.."

"Hey Cory and yeah he is. Don't worry about it, it's no big deal.." I replied, feeling very awkward.

"Bry told me, and everyone else here about your home situation with your sister and all. I just wanna say I'm so sorr-"

"Stop trying to be nice and feel bad for me, it's something I don't want to talk about. Why would you even bring that up?" I walked off in the direction of the car and I get stopped by Bryon.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Home." I said aggressively. "Why would you tell people my personal business? Why do you always have to gossip to the world about everything, why can't you shut your mouth for once?"

"Because I wanted to help, stop being a downer you're ruining the vibe!"

"Ugh Bry, sometimes I just can't deal with you.."

"Oh hush up, you and I both know that you DON'T want to go home. Now come."

I huffed and joined them.

"Welcome back Sar!" Some random guy says.

I don't get why he's calling me that when we're not even friends. I wanted to say something but I ignored it. It began to become pitch black outside, the rain stopped and the atmosphere became very muggy. We quickly got into the car and drove home. I waved goodbye to everyone then took the key out of my pocket to unlock the door.

I was hoping everyone would be sleeping when I walked in, but they were very much awake. I was walking upstairs to get to my room to dodge my halfway drunken parents. I bumped into my mom on my way up to my room.

"Move out the way next time." She said looking very disgusted. She went to go join my dad and my sister.

There's no words to describe the hate I feel for them all.

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