watching tv together

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• forcing her to watch the first episode of season 6
• "fine we can just watch American idol,"
• covering her face with her hands the entire time
• you constantly reassured her but that didn't seem to work very well

• how I met your mother!
• she's never seen it before
• "ma, I'm BUSY! that's why I haven't seen this shit,"
• she fell asleep cause she's still a busy lady

• season 4 of drag race
• both your fav season
• rooting for Sharon even though your both rewatching
• "yEs! Sharon is incredible!"

• gleee
• singing along to the songs
• "I'm still upset you didn't get to do Rachel for snatch game,"
• "you think I'm not?! Damn, all stars better be ready for me,"

• the office
• she fell asleep because she never gets enough sleep
• woke her up after a few episodes
• she was not about to get away with that
• "why did you wake me up?"
• "Michael Scott would appreciate me doing this, babe,"

• unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
• hasn't watched it before and doesn't like it very much
• "can we watch tlc instead?"
• doesn't stop sighing to try and prove her point
• you make her keep watching anyway

Miz Cracker
• season 8 of drag race
• watching just for Bob
• "why isn't Bob this funny in real life?!?!!"
• Bob was watching with you too don't worry

• queer eye
• you're both watching it for the first time together
• it's getting s o f t
• "can we please get on this show?"

• riverdale
• wasn't exciting enough for her
• you both fell asleep
• ended up liking it tho

A/N: helloooooooo! I have a new story out that Aquaria x Blair! Hope you <3 don't forget to vote and comment :))

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