she's on queer eye

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Brief lil guide:
Bobby- interior design
Tan- clothes
Antoni- food
Jonathan- grooming/hair/skincare/etc.
Karamo- culture

Bobby: there are just pizza boxes EVERYWHERE !
Tan: you just share all of your clothes?
Antoni: stop eating pizza so often wtf
Jonathan: maybe try some moisturizer or something ?
Karamo: sleep is great but you should still call your friends and family

Bobby: there's so much stuff and so little space just get a bigger place
Tan: so many accessories ?? keep em I guess
Antoni: cooking for yourself isn't that hard
Jonathan: if your skincare products aren't working maybe try something else
Karamo: I don't really know how you both do it without having a breakdown every 5 minutes

Bobby: random toys don't count as classy decor
Tan: why do you both have so many black adidas track pants?
Antoni: there's more food than just sushi and oysters
Jonathan: maybe expensive skincare does work better
Karamo: just stop interacting with all people online

Bobby: we have to put real furniture in these rooms
Tan: love it this is perfect
Antoni: I give up just make some martinis that'll be great for guests and parties
Jonathan: you're perfect SKIN CARE GODS
Karamo: y'all are doing great

Bobby: there's something called over decorating
Tan: gym clothes shouldn't have to be everyday clothes
Antoni: this is fine BUT HERES A RECIPE FOR SOME DIP
Jonathan: you know what you're doing. ily.
Karamo: this is... whatever. good enough

Bobby: this is boring I'm gonna add STRIPES to the walls
Tan: you both need more than two outfits for everyday wear
Antoni: there's barely anything in this kitchen HOW
Jonathan: good enough ly tho
Karamo: you both just need hugs

Miz Cracker
Bobby: so many books? there's no where else to put them tho... I'll just leave it
Tan: this... this isn't that bad HOW ABOUT BELTS AND THE FRENCH TUCK
Antoni: I know neither of you have time to cook, but try getting takeout from organic places
Jonathan: just a trim for the hair and less RUBBING ALCOHOL ON THE SKIN
Karamo: you are doing it correctly

Bobby: we need to ORGANIZE
Tan: dressier clothes! maybe HATS
Jonathan: better skin care IMMEDIATELY
Karamo: you don't have to live like a rockstar to be a rockstar

Bobby: so much Dolly EVERYWHERE ?! Everything is PINK ?! It can stay... I guess ?
Tan: get better hats
Antoni: here's a fun APPETIZER that's easy to make and great for PARTIES
Jonathan: it won't matter if you shave your eyebrows
Karamo: stop being so cold ? we have to get to the bottom of this

A/N: hi fuck school lmao. on the positive I can go to dragcon nyc but I have to pay for my ticket and my moms so I'm gonna try and get a job at McDonald's over the summer lmao. Anyway stream strip by little mix. Don't forget to vote and comment and share and check out my other stories. Love ya's 💫✨

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