making undercover fan accounts

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• "why does everyone have a weird username?"
• "were all the good ones taken?"
• "i don't think so,"
• "why does someone have the username bluecheesedelano!?"
• "what the fuck!"
• almost threw up every time she saw anything biadore related
• felt loved nonetheless
• wouldn't leave her phone alone
• had to see every single nice thing

• "why is every username taken?!"
• "you just have a lot of fans,"
• "wait never mind, I was spelling my name wrong,"
• "how?"
• "typo? guess I'm not that popular after all haha,"
• just commented a ton of nice things
• felt so loved and appreciated
• awh soft
• 'this is incredible keep drawing!'
• was on the account every moment for the first two days
• rarely went on it after that but still showed a ton of love

• "what do I make the username?"
• "I don't know, what's something one of your fans would do?"
• "I don't know, some dumb shit probably. I'm just kidding hahaha,"
• followed EVERY account possible
• "girl, this video edit of Cracker and me,"
• "what's up with it?"
• "this isn't any friendship stuff,"
• "well, it kind of can be?"
• "this is the same music they use on video edits of you and I,"
• "oh gross,"
• got upset and commented a whole rant
• got a lot of hate
• got even more upset
• deleted the account and decided to never think about it again

• "this is all so cute!"
• just a pure bitch that has pure fans
• commented on every edit/fanart she saw
• almost blew her cover
• "how do I show my appreciation without making it seem weird that I care so much because I can't reveal who I am!?!"
• "just comment a heart or something, I don't know,"
• "but that not enough!"

• "half of this stuff I'm tagged in doesn't have to do with me!"
• "remember the like not you had that liked every picture you were tagged in?"
• "it liked Aquaria and Cracker tumblr posts and hate,"
• "don't remind me, I'm glad I got rid of that,"
• tried to like every single thing she could
• felt SO GOOD about herself
• fell asleep after a few hours in the middle of stalking different pages

• "ew, I don't think I want to do this anymore,"
• "why?"
• "not all of them are bad or weird, just everyone I seem to be finding. I hate it,"
• "I think you've had enough of social media for the day,"
• kept finding everything the stans never wanted her to find
• she was so uncomfortable she was ready to flush herself down the toilet
• kept dropping the phone and making disgusted faces
• smiled really big every time she read something nice though

Miz Cracker
• "this is boring!"
• "literally how?"
• "everyone is just reposting the same picture with the same dumb caption,"
• was OVER IT
• KNEW that it was right to let Katelyn mostly run the accounts
• would rather be doing ANYTHING else
• "why do people use 'queen' as a caption?"
• "uncreative?"

• made an account
• said she would stalk people later
• never logged back in
• "what happened to that fake fan account?"
• "oh yeah, oops!"
• "are you ever gonna use it?"
• "nope!"
• "do you even remember the username?"
• "I don't know, it was something really stupid though,"

• "username?"
• "dyke, bowlcut or Dolly related,"
• "oh wow,"
• "catchphrase stealing bitch, I see you,"
• "instagram or Twitter first?"
• "twitter. It's the easiest,"
• "do you want me to follow all the accounts I can for you first? There are wayyyy too many,"
• "fuck off. I'm following other stans now too,"
• "who the fuck else?"
• "Aquaria. I like her. She's nice."
• "I still like you better don't worry,"
• literal MESS
• just laughed a lot and liked a bunch of tweets
• there for HOURS
• didn't run into any fanfic or anything thank god
• just yelled a lot tbh

A/N: hi I love you all and I hope you're doing fantastic. CHECK OUT MY NEW AQUARIA FIC :)))) As always, don't forget to favorite and comment and everything. <3

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