a fan yells at you

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You cut the line in their meet and greet...

• uh oh you guessed it she went the fuck OFF
• "y/n! No one likes you, you self-centered whore!"
• "what the fuck did you just say?"
• "nothing,"
• "listen here you piece of shit... OH DID YOU JUST ROLL YOU GODDAMN EYES?! You have the NERVE?!"
• "I don't like you that much anyway,"
• "then why the fuck did you show up! Go the fuck away!"

• was NOT in the mood
• "y/n stop making everything about you!"
• would usually fight anyone for you but just decided to call security this time
• "go away ma, no one cares,"
• gave you a pep talk immediately after
• "listen bitch, I love YOU. Some of these hoes are gonna hate me and you no matter what,"
• held up the line for so long OOPS

• you messed with the wrong bitch
• will do anything for her friends and family so you could only IMAGINE
• finds them in the line and makes them come up
• "hi! If you didn't already know, which you should as any other person would, you can't fucking talk that way about someone who is standing right in fucking front of you or near you. Especially if someone who loves them and would do anything for them is right in front of you,"
• went OFF and it went on FOREVER

• just trying to make sure everyone is a good person
• "I've never really liked them together. They just don't seem to match well,"
• "Blair is gorgeous, so it just makes y/n even worse,"
• "excuse me... um, you can't talk about people like that,"
• "well I wasn't telling them that,"
• "what makes you think we can't hear you right now?"
• "fine! Okay! Y/n, I don't like you very much!"
• "please leave, lord save me now,"

• almost too in love with you to care
• She's too busy focusing on you to pay attention to the ready of the line
• Aquaria hears and gets involved
• "I said I thought they were ugly and didn't deserve to cut the line,"
• Kam suddenly hears and she is ready to ATTACK
• "Get out of my line! What the fuck!"

• just a sweet lady doing sweet lady things
• "this is so dumb,"
• "y/n is also really dumb. They don't understand anything and they act all innocent. It's absolute bullshit,"
• waited until it was their turn and made you stand right by her side
• "listen up cunt,"
• big smile on her face the entire time
• "... so I think you should just shut your mouth and go away,"
• "this is a meet and greet for you, not y/n. I don't have to like them to be your fan,"
• "that is where you are wrong,"

Miz Cracker
• was so angry she didn't know how to deal and still stay happy for everyone else
• wrote a well thought out letter and gave it to them after meeting them and being fake nice
• "I cannot fucking stand people like you,"
• "you are the worst kind of person. You are absolute trash and I hope you stay away from me and everyone in my life,"
• it went viral but we all know who was REALLY in the wrong here

• straight forward and was THE MOST prepared
• embarrassed them SO MUCH
• "now be gone!"
• everyone after that in line made sure to be super nice to you
• so many hugs oh my god!

• literally just Trixie about it
• "hi! You were saying some bad stuff back there, probably thinking you were a real jokester. Just so you know, when people yell stuff at you, you usually hear it,"
• projected so everyone could hear
• "now you can get the picture if you want but I'd prefer it if you'd leave this place and then leave me and the people in my life alone. Bye! Thank you!"

A/N: I feel pretty damn horrible about not posting in so long but school has been insane and I've pretty much only been eating, sleeping and doing homework. As always, I hope you enjoy and I'm completely going to make a strong ass effort to upload and write as much as possible. Love you <3 don't forget to comment and vote and all that Jazz :))

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