going to a concert

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lowkey connected to she buys concert tickets uwu don't have to reread to understand tho

• local punk show
• crowd surfed the entire night
• convinced you to do it too
• "do it, loser! you'll be perfectly safe!"
• everyone there was super cool and sweet
• had the best time

• festival situation
• couldn't get close at all
• couldn't see because everyone was over 6'4
• couldn't get any hookups to get near the front
• pushed and pushed and pushed
• "sorry we're supposed to be at the front,"
• "we went to the bathroom, our friend is up there,"
• had a great time when you both finally got to second row

• Gaga !
• she finally decided to go in drag
• got those good seats !
• you were both on that crackhead shit
• the stans jumped all the way out
• lowkey embarrassing to everyone sitting around
• crying at times
• "I think this is the best moment of my life,"
• a soft moment and an amazing experience with her

• metal concert
• she didn't try to look any older so they wouldn't hurt her
• a power move
• found Sharon there
• "I would never expect to see you here, but maybe you belong in the haus of spook,"
• actually had an amazing time
• the goth inside her really rose after that night

• Aquaria and fall out boy
• was disappointed when it rly clicked in her head that my chemical romance was not the same as fall out boy
• still had a great time with p good seats
• Aquaria on the other hand was a MOMENT
• was first in line in the m+g line and she was SHOOK but rly happy to see you both
• front row at her show
• she legit thought it was the cutest thing ever
• fans were super respectful and didn't talk to you 2 or ask for pics until the show was over and you were leaving

• Lana
• has never been more happy
• called it a very spiritual experience
• nearly started crying
• the softie jumped out
• met her after the show w some hookups
• sobbing on the way home with joy

Miz Cracker
• Ariana
• met her which was such a MOMENT
• she was in full drag
• annoyed at first about going but the night turned tf around
• had such a good time
• was so much fun
• she became a full Ariana stan after that night

• metal show !
• both went in full goth attire
• power couple to the tenth fucking power
• found Blair while waiting for the show to start ??
• hung out with her the whole night and was shocked when she fully enjoyed it
• Sharon bought tickets to a million other metal concerts on the way home because she had so much fun w you

• Kacey Musgraves
• didn't know if she was gonna meet her but still went in full drag
• got emotional the whole night
• screamed those lyrics bitch !!
• had the biggest soft energy
• was SO glad you went with her
• met Kacey after the show

A/N: wow what a moment !! I've been so busy but im still trying to update don't worry o haven't forgotten about this completely !! also a serious big thank you to everyone who's ever clicked on this book literally at all like it's so fucking cool and bizarre to me and I'm so :))) love you all ! don't forget to vote and comment and check out my other stories or whatever <3

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