you're both famous

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• was star struck but played it off in such a cool way
• super chill and awesome
• explained her love for you after about a month of dating
• she was just so cool about it literally how ??

• openly fangirled over you
• one hell of an open book
• not ashamed about how much she loved you AT ALL
• fully wrote a song over you after you first met

• she was so surprised and star struck and excited
• claimed that she almost passed out
• literally such a fangirl
• couldn't stop thinking about it
• also couldn't stop tweeting about it

• legitimately did not know who you were
• she was honest though
• super cute about it
• genuinely was interested in everything about you

• said she didn't know you
• fully knew who you were and loved you
• didn't admit this for the actual LONGEST time
• highkey but lowkey star struck at the same time

• knew who you were and didn't like you
• still nice to you
• quickly started l o v i n g you
• didn't admit to lowkey hating you before meeting you for years

Miz Cracker
• didn't know who you were
• 110% pretended that she did
• only admitted this to you after a year
• "I'm gonna expose you,"
• "ha, what? I was just kidding, ha,"
• obviously wasn't kidding oh at all

• hated you because she only heard bad things about you
• was not very nice to you
• started seeing why so many people did love you
• quickly apologized and became a big fan while getting to know you :')

• loveeeddddd you but accidentally came off as rude
• didn't mean to but got a bit competitive before admitting the inner fangirl
• it all worked out (obvi)
• people never stopped searching for some drama though

A/N: I'm genuinely crying over Alaska and Jeremy's new album Amethyst Journey GO STREAM IT AND BUY IT. My sleep schedule is fucked up (it's 2am and I'm in NY). As always, I hope you love and vote and comment :)))))

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