what her friends think of you

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• a little rude to you (for no reason)
• you first met them late at night (drinking involved) but you didn't drink
• they got a wrong idea of you and stick with it for a while before realizing you're a good person

• hesitant because she's been crossed before by people like you
• by the end of the day they realized you weren't like the 'evil' people at all
• they were all very happy and supportive for her
• rarely excluded from the group (usually only if you were busy)

• obsessssseeddd with you
• she cares a lot about the ppl important to her so it really meant a lot
• they all loved getting to know you and always wanted you around
• they were really proud of Aquaria for finding such a good person

• they loved you sooo much
• you immediately became a part of the group
• they were all so comfortable around you they never had to wait until you left to say/do something
• everyone was just super happy that they all met you

• immediately recognized that you were her perfect match
• super respectful and very adult about the relationship
• just wanted everything to work out (ha ha)
• almost neutral about you at first but after a few months L O V E D you

• half of them loved you immediately and the other half hated
• the feelings never changed for years
• there was a secret feud about it and they would get into fights about you
• all of them acted nice to your face though, it was easy to tell who really meant it though

Miz Cracker
• she was afraid to let her friends meet you (but WHY?)
• they were defensive at first as if they were her parents
• but are you good enough for this precious human being vibes
• warmed up to you by the second time seeing them
• treated you like one of the precious human beings uwu

• surprised but happy
• expecting someone super outrageous and shocking
• almost relieved when they met you
• thought you were just a lil softie that's perfect for Sharon

• what friends?
• lmao jk kimora they secretly hated you at first
• they really didn't think you were her type and weren't good for her
• after a few months they started liking you
• sometimes talk about you behind your back ??

A/N: I'm exhausted and listening to Lana Del Rey demos right now, but I already had this pre-written so I'm on time :) I'm super emotional after the final part of Shane Dawson's series "the secret world of Jeffree Star" so that's where I am right now. Don't forget to vote and comment, I hope you love :)))) <3

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