she meets your extended family

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• some are alarmed, some love her
• she somehow remembered everyone's names
• gets really close to your dads cousins for the night
• seriously like best friends it's the cutest
• just a super smooth night that wasn't chaotic

• real loud, but seemed to love her a lot
• the life of the party !
• some acted like they liked her more than you
• there wasn't a moment where someone wasn't taking to her

• kind of hesitant to talk to her ?
• she was a little nervous but felt okay since you were there
• messed up her sentences a lot but she always does ! nothing new
• hanging on you the whole night like her life depended on it

• thought she was really sweet
• "are you sure he's over eighteen,"
• "he's older than me"
• everyone really got along with her
• thought she was the perfect model child
• so polite ! so outgoing !

• shocked and proud of you
• wow good looking guy ! wow muscular ! wow loves you a lot !
• thought you absolutely scored
• kept congratulating you
• loved her so much
• everyone kept telling their friends about your relationship

• shocked tbh
• accepted it though
• "you and... hmm okay,"
• loved her after getting to know her
• wow smart ! that's something !

Miz Cracker
• a lil confused
• got used to it fast
• loved the hidden intellectual within her
• your grandma's sister thought she was the best person ever !

• surprised and that only softened a tiny bit
• "plastic surgery, I see,"
• some of your family just kept their distance
• "why is everyone afraid of me!"
• "you're really asking me this?"

• eventually got the humor
• she's really cold so it took a while to heat her up
• "he's so tall,"
• everyone just kind of confused for a while
• "I don't think they like me,"
• "they will eventually,"
• "I'm about to start crying,"
• just secretly a big ol softiee

A/N: helloooooo! I am constantly sad for no reason and I fucking hate it ! Help me ! I love you all a lot though and thank you so much for reading and sticking by because it truly means a lot to me <3 signing off bang bang kiss kiss

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