Chapter XI

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As soon as Rose was well enough, General Organa requested her to help out the maintenance in the hangar. There were quite a few rusted or old ships or computers that hadn't been used in years, and the Resistance was in dire need of any extra help, so she and Finn were almost always in the hangar.

Finn wouldn't let Rose out of his sight since he had almost lost her at Crait. Even though he wasn't as mechanically savvy as she, he could still help her out by lifting heavy objects or fetching some tool she needed.

Poe visited them a lot since they were constantly in 'his territory'. Rose often had to corral him back to helping her when he and Poe drifted off, talking and laughing. The fighter pilot was also sucked into helping Finn hold some piece of machinery up so she could crawl under it and tinker on something.

When the fighter pilot showed up, BB-8 was usually with him. Most of the times, the droid would roll under the newest equipment Rose was working on and help her, so Finn and Poe could talk. At first, the conversations revolved around basic topics, then it branched into quietly talking about women—Finn talking about Rose; Poe about Rey.


She wasn't the same Rey he had met on Jakku when she whacked him with her staff. Reminiscing, he rubbed his thigh where BB-8 had zapped him, thinking he had stolen Poe's jacket, which he still wore now. Finn chuckled at the memory. Granted, they had spent some time apart so her change could be because of her training on Ahch-To with Luke Skywalker...

No. It couldn't just be that. She didn't seem to want to spend time with him and the others anymore. To him, Rey forced interaction, then looked happy as she ran off to her room. It's like they had never been close friends, and it hurt. Why was she distancing herself?

He had no idea what the cause of this change could be. Finn was ashamed of himself for going into her room when she wasn't there and snooping because he knows without a doubt that he has heard—


Rose yelling his name scared him. He looked down at her, looking up from the mechanic's creeper she laid on, staring at him with confusion on her face.

She pointed to his left. "I need the Quatdriver. I've been asking for the past five minutes."

"Right. Sorry." He went over to the toolbox she pointed at, grabbed the tool, and handed it to her. She thanked him before rolling back under the ARC-170. Only her legs were visible as banging sounded.

"Okay, what's up with you? It's like your head has been somewhere else lately," she began.

"I think something's up with Rey," Finn said.

She rolled out from underneath the vehicle. "What do you mean?"

"She stays locked up in her room all the time. I've heard voices come out of her room—specifically a male voice—and she seems... darker."

Rose shot him a look. "Have you been eavesdropping at her door?"

"No," he immediately said. Her knowing look had him feeling guilty. "Well... a little, but I'm not a stalker! I'm just concerned. Poe is too."

Rose giggled. "He's quite taken with her, isn't he? When they came to the Medical Ward, I saw how he couldn't take his eyes off her. It's cute."

"Yeah, he is. But Rey doesn't seem to like him back in that way... or does she? You're a girl so, you should be able to pick up on things better, right?"

"What things?"

"You know..." He waved a hand as he fought for the right words. "Girl things."

Rose giggled again. "You are so adorable, do you know that?"

"I'd prefer handsome, but, whatever."

She rolled back under. "I wouldn't worry," Rose stated. "Rey's someone who looks like she knows what she can handle. In control. She reminds me of Paige..." Her voice drifted off as she thought about her dead sister.

Finn squatted to grip her knee in comfort, since that and her feet were the only things he could reach.

Rose began to hammer away on whatever needed it underneath the old ship from the Clone Wars. The noise covered up the awkward moment.

"But what do you think, from what you've seen so far?" he asked.

The banging stopped. "Well, I don't really know Rey... but she's just like every girl I've ever met, just physically, mentally, and emotionally stronger, headstrong, and private."

"What do you mean she's like every girl?"

Rose popped back out. "It's obvious she's in love! You couldn't tell?"

Finn blinked once. Twice. Thrice. "Rey's... in... love?"

"Wow. You really are clueless."

"But... who could she be in love with? Poe? She doesn't act like it!"

She shrugged and rolled back underneath. "I don't know. Maybe she met someone on Ahch-To... Wait. No. Only Luke Skywalker was on that island... Then maybe she's met someone through the Force."

That made sense why he didn't find anything when he went to her room—Rey was talking with the unnamed man through the Force. Since he himself wasn't a Force-user, that meant he wouldn't be able to see who she met in secret. Finn frowned.

Now he really wanted to know. Who was Rey talking with?

"Are you two done yet?" Poe's question made him turn around to see the fighter pilot approaching. BB-8 beeped in greeting to Finn as he rolled by to join Rose under the machine.

"Not quite, but I'm getting there!" Rose answered, yelling so she could be heard over the metallic banging.

"Dang." Poe put his hands on his hips as he admired the ARC-170. "I've always wanted to fly one of these things."

Finn considered telling his friend what he had learned about Rey, but kept it to himself. He didn't want to crush his hopes over something that was just speculation. But... Rose said she was acting like every other girl in love, so what did he know? It may be true after all.

But who could it be?

He'd have to find out himself.

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