Chapter XIV

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As she had promised, Rey met Sujux Withross outside the palace doors before the sun rose. Even though the other couldn't see him, Ben also came with her. Having him beside her gave Rey comfort—a reassurance that she wasn't alone.

The Abednedo rambled nervously as he led her down away from the palace and into the surrounding jungles. They didn't travel far before a natural cave in the hill Myrra sat on opened before them. Long and sharp stalactites hung from the ceiling and stalagmites rose from the ground—having the appearance of jagged teeth. Rey didn't like the look of it. Ben grunting in displeasure meant he didn't like it, either.

"Are there any directions you can give me about the temple?" Rey asked.

Sujux shook his head. "Not specifics, but I'm sure the Lightsaber Crafting room you seek is below the main floor."

That's all he can offer? Find stairs leading down? Ben thought. Very helpful.

She ignored his comment. "What about these Uugteens? What can you tell me about them?"

"They are pale and nose-less humanoids. Writings say they are fierce fighters and extremely territorial. Oh! They also avoid the light."

Rey considered the cave entrance again, putting that information in the front of her mind. No matter how discouraging the place looked, she had no choice—she had to go in there.

"Well, I'll see you soon, Sujux." She headed for the cave.

"Do be careful," Sujux pleaded.

She looked back at him with a smile. "Don't worry; I used to delve into destroyed Imperial ships for scrap metal back home and sometimes I had to fight off Steelpeckers. I know how to watch myself."

Ben snorted. I doubt the Uugteens are small like Steelpeckers.

Probably not, but he needed to hear that I can take care of myself. Sujux is worried.

You can? Then why am I here?

She looked at him. I don't know. Why are you?

He shot her a glare out of the corner of his eye. You know damned well why.

A smile lifted her lips. I do. It's just fun irritating you.

Ben grunted.

On reaching the entrance, Rey stopped to affix the light she had brought to her staff. The small light lit the mouth of the cave well, revealing every boulder, rock formation, and loose pebble. No eyes reflected the light, but she knew the Uugteens—even though hidden at the moment—would reveal themselves sooner or later.

You're not alone, Ben said.

I know. I'm glad you're here.

She took a deep, steadying breath, then entered.

Noise was practically nonexistent in the cave. Other than the soft thud of her or Ben's boots, nothing else made a sound. No frantic scurrying of a small creature; no squeak of a bat; it seemed like nothing lived down here.

Even though her light provided a decent illumination, the darkness in the cave was quite dense. The blackness was too inky to be natural. Not being able to see very far ahead of her made Rey paranoid—she expected something to jump out at her any second.

She and Ben didn't converse much; they had already decided not to openly speak as to not draw attention to them. Voices carry in caves. Plus, they needed to remain focused; not distracted by conversation.

Every now and then, though, Ben would say something—usually cheeky like Oh, look. Another rock. He did it to subtly remind her that she wasn't as alone as it appeared. It eased her as well.

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