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The cup of lukewarm cocoa had captivated Misael's attention for about five minutes before someone plopped down in front of him and pulled him away from his thoughts. "What?" he asked Sebastian.

"Party. Be ready by 7:30. I'm driving."

Misael raised an eyebrow. "One, I don't trust you to drive, two, I have homework, and three, I don't want to go to a party."

"Well I have one reason that is going to throw all three of those arguments away in a millisecond." Misael looked at him complacently. "Lucas is going to be there."

He furrowed his eyebrows and leaned back in his chair. "And I care because...?"

Sebastian rolled his eyes and leaned over the table. "Don't play that game with me. I know things. I know," he said menacingly. Misael glanced away from him and noticed other people staring at them. He looked back at Sebastian and waited for an actual explanation, given he even had one. "Oh come on. You don't seriously think I didn't notice you staring at him the whole time he was sitting at the table with us. And last night you spent like two hours ranting about him without realizing you were actually gushing over him."

Something like nausea rolled in his stomach and he crossed his arms. "Excuse me? What the hell are you talking about?"

His curly haired friend rolled his eyes and threw his hands up in frustration. Then, in a high pitched voice, he mimicked Misael's rant. "Oh, did you see that one guy with the hazel eyes? He came up to me asking about my 'inspiration!' I mean who does he think he is? Does he think that just because he has a pretty face people just do what he wants? Don't let that stupid sweet face fool you, Sebastian, he's a jerk! And his eyes are so warm, and his freckles-"

"I- don't- talk- like- that!" he spat through clenched teeth as he punched Sebastian's shoulder until his friend was sitting back, blocking the hits. Misael stopped and crossed his arms. "I did not say anything about his eyes and freckles. And I wasn't staring at him; I was zoning out," Misael hissed. "Besides, I meant what I said. No subtext intended."

"So you think he has a sweet, pretty face?"

Despite himself, Misael's cheeks burned. "Just because I can say someone's attractive doesn't mean I like them or even have a crush on them. Haven't you ever met an attractive person that gets on your nerves?"

"Not within two minutes worth of conversation," he responded. Misael scowled and returned to looking at his cup. "I mean, yeah I guess I see what you mean. Jennifer Lawrence is super hot, but I don't think I'd stand being around her. Alright, fine, you don't like him. But just come hang out with us. You've been distant and we all know you're the life of the party. It'll be fun." For a second Misael hesitated.

He had two options: stay in his dorm and find himself mulling over all the things that drove him nuts until he couldn't handle it, or go to a stupid party for a while so he'd be distracted and hopefully return too tired to bother staying up or thinking. He let out a breath with a trill of his lips and sighed. "Fine. I'll go. But just for a little. And not because of that guy you're friends with."

"Oh, suddenly you don't know his name?" Sebastian teased. Misael flipped him off and Sebastian laughed, shoving his hand away. "Don't be rude. I should get to class. Be ready by 7:30." Misael nodded and watched him go. He returned to looking at his cup and frowned.

Yesterday, he'd been upset with the crowd response. They all seemed energized and excited, with wide smiles and gleams in their eyes. That song always left Misael feeling exhausted in every possible way. But no one seemed to realize exactly what his song meant. It was infuriating that people only heard an upbeat tune and assumed the entire song was happy while they ignored everything else that made it what it was.

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