Music Theory

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They made their way to the car and got in. Lucas managed to get off campus before Misael talked again. "So there's a party starting on Saturday at Logan's." He raised an eyebrow. "Sebs invited me. Did you want to go too?"

"Mm, parties aren't really my thing. Thanks though." Misael didn't answer, and Lucas looked over at him. There was a furrow in his brow and he wasn't sure what to make of it. "Um, not to be the dad friend, but... are you sure you want to go to another party?" His eyes flickered over to him. Lucas averted his gaze and focused on the road. "I mean... are you going to try and get really drunk again? Get in another fight?"

In his head, he thought back to Misael slurring as his hands cupped his face and he called him pretty. He thought of how he couldn't even walk straight without help and wondered what could've happened if he hadn't been there. He remembered when they'd gotten to the dorm room and he'd asked if he wanted to make out. Of course Misael was the type to get drunk and make out with people.

"Hello? Did you hear me?"

Lucas blinked and shook his head. "Sorry, no. What happened?"

Misael frowned and crossed his arms. "I said I wasn't sure. I usually get drunk at them, but I don't have to." Lucas hummed and gripped the steering wheel a bit tighter. "Have you ever gotten drunk?"

"No." He looked over at Misael and saw his mouth quirking up into a smirk. "What?"

He shifted and began fiddling with his fingers as he looked ahead at the road. Lucas frowned and looked at the road before glancing back at Misael. "Well.... What if you go to the party and maybe actually have a drink for the first time in your life?" he suggested. Lucas was about to protest, but Misael spoke over him. "I won't drink this time. I'll watch over you. Just like you watched over me."

He hesitated and frowned. "I mean, I've had a drink before. I just don't like to get shit-faced. Parties aren't very fun for me."

"Maybe that's because you've never tried to get drunk." Lucas didn't answer, slightly worried about the fact that Misael needed alcohol to have fun in the first place. He was pretty sure that was a sign of alcoholism. Suddenly, Misael burst into laughter and Lucas looked at him in confusion. "I'm sorry I just- oh God. I just imagine you're the type of drunk that turns into a total party animal," he said between fits of laughter. "I can see it now. Lucas Vasquez on the coffee table, red cup in one hand, shirt in the other."


"You're performing a strip tease."

Lucas's eyes widened and he punched Misael's arm, but Misael dodged the hit and laughed. "Stop imagining me stripping!" It only made Misael laugh harder.

He lowered the window and poked his head out as they drove. "Hey everyone, Lucas Vasquez likes to strip when he's drunk!" Lucas yanked him back, accidentally swerving the car in the process. The cars next to him and beside him honked, but Misael was filled with raucous laughter. "I'm going to assume I'm right until you prove me wrong."

"You're blackmailing me," he muttered as he pulled into the movie theater. "And also, you're going to pay for that. I don't know how but you will." Misael smirked cockily, and Lucas rolled his eyes. He got out of the car and Misael followed. He looked at him expectantly and Lucas bit his lip. "Fine I'll go. But you don't get to drink anything!"

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