Under Our Skin

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Holy shit, holy shit, holy shiiiit! 50 reads in 24 hours!!! Thank you guys!! This one's shorter, but we're building up to fun times lol 

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As soon as the dreams started, Lucas knew he was in trouble.

It began the night after Misael spent the night again. He'd woken up with a weird melancholic feeling in the pit of his stomach. After a few moments of sleepy muttering, he realized why he was so upset.

He'd dreamt of Misael. He'd dreamt that he'd kissed him. That they were together, and joking, going on a date. His roommate had walked into the dorm as Lucas stared in horror at nothing in particular, and he'd had to think of a quick explanation to assure his roommate he was fine.

It didn't help that Misael had gone MIA the next day. Sending too many messages made Lucas feel weirder, so he'd kept it to a minimum.

After that, in the last week, he'd had two more dreams about the dark-haired boy in a leather jacket with eyes as dark as the night sky. There were times that the dreams of kisses were so vivid, he could feel the ghost of Misael's lips as he woke and throughout the day. It made it that much harder to be around him.

It was Friday, and Lucas was walking to the only open dining hall which was near Misael's dorm for food before his stomach began eating itself. Although he had a car, he didn't always have enough money to eat out.

As he passed one of the science buildings, he heard someone call his name and turned to see Sebastian. He greeted him with a smile as he fell into step beside him. "Getting food?" he asked. Lucas nodded. "Cool. So, listen.... Um, I don't know for sure if you roll that way or not, but my cousin was asking if I could give him your number? He wants to get to know you and whatnot," he said.

Lucas stopped walking and frowned. "What?" Everything coming from Sebastian's mouth made him tense and slightly defensive. He didn't feel like playing this game again. He'd gotten asked out as a joke before, and he really didn't feel like doing it again. "Um...."

"Hey, if you want, I can just tell him you're not into guys, like I said-"

"No, I.... I am, but.... Your cousin wants to get to know me?" he asked. Sebastian nodded. "I find it hard to believe that," he scoffed. He kept walking and Sebastian followed.


"Because your cousin was obviously the type of guy a lot of people know and a lot of people crush on," he explained, remembering the overwhelming amount of people there. "And people like that don't pay attention to guys like me. You know, the introverts, the wallflowers." He shrugged.

"Is this about Misael?" he asked. Again, he stopped walking and stared at him in shock. "Did he say something? I mean, I did think he liked you, and I asked him first, but if he said anything, he really shouldn't-"

"What do you mean you asked him?" he interrupted, stepping forward, his heart hammering as it broke. "What are you talking about?"

Sebastian cursed under his breath and sighed. "Okay. So, I thought maybe Misael was into you- which you know, I'm still pretty sure he is, he's just a pu- Ah, anyway, I asked him about it, you know so I would know if I should bother with telling you about Eric. He said he didn't care, but with you saying that, I'm wondering if Misael said anything to make you second guess Eric." He chewed on his lip anxiously, looking Lucas in the eyes.

The words hurt even if Lucas had expected them. His dreams, the discovery of Misael's sexuality, even the things they talked about had all given him a naïve hope that he knew he should have snuffed out a long time ago. He sighed and shook his head. "No, Misael and I don't talk about.... He didn't say anything. But... I'm not really looking for a relationship."

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