Through Veins and Neurons

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Ahhhh!!! I'm so happy that the last chapter reached 50 almost on its own!! Ah, I hope you're all enjoying this <3 thank you for reading! Please remember to give the chapter a vote and maybe leave a comment! Enjoy-


The air between them seemed to finally settle, and it was back to laughter and jokes as they got to the party at Logan's apartment.

Misael took his seatbelt off and turned to Luke. "Okay. First off, I don't want to force you to drink, so if you don't want to, it's cool. Yeah?"

Luke thought it over. "I don't mind drinking, I just don't wanna get fucked up. I have a test Monday I need to study for."

Misael scoffed and nudged him playfully before turning to look at the house. Luke seemed a little tense; he looked ready to bolt. "You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, I am. I just... parties bore me, and I really don't know what to expect with this one."

"You'll be fine," Misael said, patting his shoulder. He nudged him forward gently, and people immediately began greeting him, much to Misael's surprise. Once they'd gotten past a group of people, Misael raised one questioning eyebrow at him. "How could you not like parties when so many people seem to know and like you?" he asked. Luke grunted in response.

"Hey, you guys made it!" Sebastian said. His eyes were glazed over already. "Come on, Misael, there's a whole bottle of Bailey's waiting for you."

Misael chuckled and nodded. "Something tells me you already drank it."

Sebastian laughed and shook his head. "Nah. I know it's your favorite." He turned to Luke and smiled wider. "Hey man! Good to see you at another party! Feel free to get whatever you want."

"I thought this was Logan's party," he pointed out.

Sebastian snorted. "He's so shit-faced right now. Or close to it." Luke glanced at Misael worriedly, and Misael frowned. "He's fine. Me and Caleb and Gomez are helping him."

"But you're drunk too," Luke said.

Sebastian hiccupped and rubbed his neck. "Friends get drunk with friends," he muttered. "I need another drink." He turned away and Misael shook his head.

"Don't worry, I won't do that if you do decide to drink a lot." Luke scoffed and glanced around wearily. It made Misael uneasy. "Did I force you into this? I didn't mean to.... We can leave and go get What-A-Burger or something."

Luke's cheeks turned pink and he rolled his eyes. "Come on, what do you suggest I have first?" he questioned. Misael laughed and shook his head, nudging Luke into the living room where there was a table with all the drinks. "I won't get drunk."

"Okay," Misael said with a smile. "Then we're going big." He grabbed a bottle of vodka and poured a shot into a red cup. He handed it to Luke and laughed at his confused expression. "That's a shot, man. The line measures it."

"I never had vodka. I'm more of a tequila guy-" He sniffed as he spoke then coughed. "Jesus, that smells like pure alcohol!" he exclaimed. Misael laughed at his expense. Luke grimaced, took a breath, then tossed the cup back. He started coughing after swallowing it and covered his mouth. "Nope. Nope, that was horrible. Oh fuck it burns. I can feel it."

"It's horrible to everyone," Misael said. "The only people who drink vodka without a chaser or ice are people who really hate themselves."

It was supposed to be a joke. But then Luke asked, "What were you drinking the day you got drunk?"

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