Rumor Has Us

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Waking up was... slow. There was a bad taste in his mouth, his head felt stuffy, his eyes burned, and he felt overheated. Lucas managed to open his eyes and glance around to realize he wasn't in his room. That sparked a bit of panic before his sense kicked in and he recognized the place as Misael's dorm.

Lucas started to shift when his brain finally got it through his consciousness that someone's arm was wrapped over his torso. Someone being Misael of course. Lucas felt his heart start beating like a jackhammer as he slowly moved Misael's hand away and managed to get out of the embrace.

He got off the bed, trying not to disturb Misael, but it seemed like nothing could wake him. He walked over to the sink and stared at himself in the mirror. His hair was disheveled more than usual, his eyes were puffy with sleep and a little bloodshot. The imprint of a pillow or blanket streaked across his cheek which made him feel embarrassed for some reason.

He sighed, trying to recall the night before as he sloshed water in his mouth both in hopes of feeling a little more hydrated and getting the gross taste out. The last thing he remembered clearly was seeing Misael kissing Logan on the couch. After that, it was all bits and pieces.

He did remember an overwhelming urge to kiss Misael at one point, and he just hoped to God that he hadn't actually acted on it. He remembered eating brownies and feeling anxious, but not why.

Lucas wanted to go back to his dorm, but both his phone and keys were missing. He hoped Misael had them, or at least knew where they were. With a sigh, he sat down in a chair by Misael's desk and looked around at the things that littered the surface.

There were a couple books, a couple journals, a couple crumbled up papers and receipts, and a surplus of pens. Before he could resort to thumbing through the books, he heard a yawn and looked over to the bed where Misael was stretching.

"Morning," Lucas said when he saw him patting the space beside him in confusion.

Misael gasped and sat up, relaxing when he saw him. "Whoa. Hey. Morning." Misael rubbed his eyes. His hair stuck up oddly and Lucas hated how endearing he found it. "How are you feeling?"

"A little fuzzy, but I'm good. Do you by any chance know where all my stuff is?"

Misael chuckled and nodded as he yawned again and got off the bed. "In the pocket of my jacket," he said as he shuffled to the sink to brush his teeth. "I also have water in the mini-fridge if you need it."

"Oh God, thank you," Lucas groaned.

"How much do you remember?"

Again, he shrugged. "Bits and pieces, but I can't really place it on a timeline. Was I any trouble?"

Misael chuckled and shook his head. "Not at all. You were a surprisingly well-behaved drunk." Lucas laughed and blushed. "You just got a little woozy once you ate some pot brownies."

Lucas grimaced and let out a nervous laugh. "So no stripping?"

Misael's laughter filled the room. "No, no stripping. What time'd you wake up?" he asked through the toothpaste.

"Not too long ago."

Before Lucas could offer to get out of his hair or just thank Misael for dealing with him being so out of it, Misael asked, "You in a rush to get anywhere? I was thinking we could stop at the café for a while. I hear they have seasonal drinks."

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