Chapter 5: Scarlett

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The plane touched down around 10:30. She was relieved to see ground again as she disembarked the plane and walked out through the terminal. Scarlett went through, collecting her bags and heading for the front. On the escalator she scanned down into the crowd of waiting families and drivers searching for her name on the white boards and pieces of paper that they all held. As she reached the bottom she spotted her name. Or well her last name. But then she noticed the man holding it and thought to herself. There is no way this man is here for me.
He was tall, very tall. And built. Clad in jeans and black heavy looking boots. His age only shown in the creased lines around his smirking mouth and squinted eyes. He wore a black leather vest over his grey T-shirt that didn't look as though it would close over the expanse of his chest. His hair was long, longer than hers, the deep black bundle tied at the nape of his neck. His skin was a dark rich color that could only have come from working in the sun. He was handsome in all aspects. But she couldn't help being intimidated. Enough so that she paused briefly, taking him in from afar. But his eyes had already locked on her, and recognition danced across his features. He knew who she was before she had even gotten off the escalator.

"Well look at you all grown up." He smiled reaching to take her bag. She was at a loss for words, and felt a little rude not recognizing him the way he did her.
"Umm I'm sorry but I..." she stumbled across the words.
"Of course you don't sweetpea. I'm Tack. Your father was my best friend." Still no recognition. Mom always told her not to talk to strangers. But what other choice did she have. "Come on girl, let's get you out of here" he said turning and motioning for her to follow.
They were quiet on the walk to the black truck waiting for them in the parking garage. Tack threw her bags into the back and opened the passenger door for her. Once they were leaving the garage he finally spoke again.

"You hungry? That airplane food in coach kinda sucks" he said glancing from the road to meet her eye. Probably assessing her reaction. "Plus it will give us some time to talk"

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