"Lana I'm fine I promise" Scarlett lied. She was still freaking the fuck out. But Lana, Lagers old lady, was fluttering around the room like a hummingbird on crack. Honestly she seemed more panicked that Scarlett was.
"Just making sure sweetheart. I've been where you are and I know it's a lot. That shit doesn't normally happen here I swear. Actually it's never happened since I've been around." Her chatter was appreciated but did nothing to calm Scarlett's nerves. Just as Lana was reaching to take her hand there was a knock on the door that made them both jump. But when the door opened and Elliott walked in for some reason Scarlett's tense muscles relaxed.
"Give us a minute Lana." He spoke calmly. Too calmly. She noticed the pulsing vein on the side of his neck and could smell the booze. He was pissed but trying hard to keep it under control. Lana only nodded and gave her a sympathetic backwards glance before exiting the room and closing the door. The room was quiet then. He walked slowly over to her and knelt where she was sitting on the bed looking up into her eyes.
"How are you holding up sugar?" He braced himself with one hand on the bed by her hip. All anger seemed to have drained from him. She didn't know what to say. No she wasn't okay. Of course she wasn't. But she decided to lie.
"I'm okay." She said but her lip trembled at the words. She dropped her head to stare at her hands hoping he didn't notice.
"It's alright to not be okay. That was some fucked up shit down there. I'm sorry you were caught up in it. I can promise you though that shit won't happen again." He saw right through her. He reached up and tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear and lifted her chin to meet her eyes. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you." His thumb brushed against her cheek. She leaned into his touch drawing from it all the strength she wished she had.
"So am I allowed to ask what happens now?"
"We are figuring that out but until then I'll make sure you're safe. Trust me." That's when his hand snaked around the back of her neck and he pulled her down to him. Their foreheads met and he stared into her eyes giving her chills. "You scared the fuck out of me today. And your brother would have gone all special forces on my ass if I had let anything happened to you." He grinned, drawing a small smile from her. "There's that smile." He separated them and stood, reaching out his hand to her. "Come on sugar lets get you home."
He took her out the back which she assumed was because of all the broken glass littering the floor in the main room. She could still hear voices coming from down the hall and could tell they were all angry."Come on we can take my bike." This made her pause. Staring at the shiny black Harley sitting in the back lot was intimidating. She'd never been on a bike that she remembered.
"I could just drive my car. It's parked out front." She could see him wince slightly. That couldn't be good. "What happened to my car?" Dread rolled through her.
"Don't worry about it darlin, I'll take care of it" She smirked. "Whats so funny?"
"You were hoping I'd forget about it."
"Oh you're reading me now?" He chuckled.
"Maybe. So how bad is it?"
"Just a scratch" he winked before pulling on his helmet, mounting his bike and pushing a second helmet out to her.
"I've never... I don't know how to ride." Another chuckle.
"Just hop on and enjoy the ride sugar, I'll do all the work." Smooth she thought as she reached for the helmet and plopped it on top of her head. With a confirmation nod Elliott fired up the beast and they were rolling out of the lot.

The Executioner
Storie d'amoreScarlett only vaguely remembered her father. Her mother took her away as a child but now her past is calling her back. This story is about reuniting. Finding comfort in family and finding power. Defeating inner demons and letting go of the past. Le...