They had been sitting at the hospital for hours when the doctor finally walked in. The relief filled the room when he told them Pete had made it through surgery. Although he was "not out of the woods yet" things looked promising. Scarlett felt as though she took her first breath since she saw Pete hit the ground in that moment. Because they weren't technically family none of them were allowed to go back to see him until he was moved to a regular room which wouldn't be until the next day. Elliott finally had to drag her out of the hospital around 4am only because she was so exhausted she could barely see straight and all her fight was gone.
Now she laid in her bed tucked tightly under the covers. Elliott had to leave for the clubhouse as soon as he dropped her off so he'd left her in the hands of another prospect, this one named Junior. Although he was nice enough, she couldn't help but picture Pete sitting in his spot on the couch and her heart ached. She hadn't cried, and Elliott hadn't had to pick up all the pieces when she fell apart. She could tell he was proud of her for that which gave her a little bit of gratification. But now, alone in her bed, she let herself cry until there were no more tears. When she finally fell asleep the sound of gunshots rang through her dreams. After a few hours of trying and failing to sleep she took to the kitchen in search of coffee."Would you like a cup Junior?" She said across the bar into the living room holding up her cup.
"Yes ma'am, thank you. Black." She took a seat next to him on the opposite side of the couch and handed him his mug. He wasn't a very talkative guy, where Pete had always been conversational. But she mentally kicked herself for comparing the two. He was handsome though, clean cut, atleast for a biker, blonde with blue eyes and lean. He was about her height, so shorter than most of the guys and she assumed because he could pass for a sixteen year old kid that's where he got his name.
"So how long have you been prospecting?" She asked keeping her eyes on the stupid reality tv he'd been watching.
"About six months. You're LCs daughter right?" He asked also not taking his eyes away from the screen.
"I am, did you know him?" Just the mention of her father made her feel a little better.
"I met him when I first started prospecting. He was the only one that was nice to me at first." Junior chuckled , really chuckled. This made Scarlett smile and feel more comfortable around her new prospect protection detail.
"I don't remember much about him but he was a good dad."
They grew quiet after that both staring at the screen until there was a knock at the door. Junior was on his feet, hand on his gun peering out the window. He nodded to someone through the window and then opened the door.
"Y'all are like secret service with your codes I swear." Myra said laughing as she walked into the house. She looked as tired as Scarlett felt.
"What are you doing here?" Scarlett said as Myra embraced her.
"I was at home with my prospect and you were at home with yours so I thought I'd bring mine over to play." She giggled giving the boy who'd come in behind her a goofy look.
"Shut up Myra" the prospect laughed.
"Scarlett this is Andrew, Zac's little brother. He's in town with the chapter from up state." Scarlett shook the boys hand. "Anyway Zac and Elliott are going to be here in a few and we are going to see Pete. He's awake!" Scarlett rejoiced in this silently, more relief flooded her system. She could have cried tears of joy. The
man wasn't going to die because of her.Zac and Elliott came in thirty minutes later to pick them up leaving the prospects to their duties elsewhere. Entering the hospital she could feel Elliott's hand tighten on hers. He knew she needed him. As they walked down the hall towards the room number they were given Scarlett began to dig her heels. When Elliott noticed he turned to her with concern in his eyes.
"What is it sugar?" He asked motioning for Zac and Myra to go ahead without them.
"What if he doesn't want to see me?" She asked.
"Baby the first thing Pete asked when he woke up was if you were okay. He knows you saved him. He wants to see you" He spoke softly reaching up to brush his thumb across her cheek and leaning in to kiss her sweetly. He took her hand and tugged her down the hall into the room. It was crowded with brothers and their old ladies but they seemed to part as Elliott and Scarlett walked in. After the door shut they began to clap. Scarlett looked around at everyone surprised they were looking at her. She turned her gaze to Elliott who had the biggest smile on his face. She felt her cheeks pink as her eyes met Pete's across the room.
"There she is! The woman who saved my life!" He stated loudly smiling ear to ear. She walked over to the bed taking Pete's extended hand. "Thank you Scarlett, I'm forever indebted to you." Tears prick at her eyes at the out pour of love these people, who hardly knew her, gave her.
"Now that everyone is here." Tack stated moving from the back of the room. "This isn't how we normally do things but considering the circumstances we will make an exception. Pete here has proven himself to all of us more than once, and when Elliott approached me asking to patch him in I knew that it was the right thing to do, Elliott has a good eye for good soldiers. So tonight, he becomes a brother." The while crowd cheered until Scarlett was sure they would be kicked out. "Scarlett, sweet pea, do the honors of giving this man his cut." Scarlett was passed a shiny new leather vest with the Executioners emblem and rocker. She took a step forward still holding Pete's hand as she passed the cut on and leaned in to give him a gentle hug. Shouts erupted again.
"You'll always be my favorite prospect Petey." She said as she kissed his cheek.

The Executioner
RomanceScarlett only vaguely remembered her father. Her mother took her away as a child but now her past is calling her back. This story is about reuniting. Finding comfort in family and finding power. Defeating inner demons and letting go of the past. Le...