Chapter 10

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Teresa reached the school at the usual time, except, today she walked to school whereas she usually rides to the school with her dad. Her father had offered to drive her, but she had declined, not so politely. And by not so politely, she meant her shouting, "I don't want to talk to you both unless one of you decides to tell me what's going on. If not, then just leave me alone."

She headed to Thomas's house after that. She was hoping he would be at home, that he could accompany her as she was really pissed and she really needed someone to talk to. A wave of disappointment splashed over her when Thomas's mom told her that he had already left and didn't tell her why. She had then walked heavy-heartedly to school. She was just about to turn into the hallway when she was blocked by a group of guys. She looked up at them and immediately recognized them as a part of 'Royalty' of her class. The royalty was a group of four boys, their leader being a guy named Shawn. They were all good looking, like extremely handsome but they were also extremely rude, well at least they've been rude to her. They have been studying alongside her since middle school and those assholes considered themselves as kings who looked down on commoners like herself. She squinted, noticing that the flock herder, THE hottie, Shawn wasn't seen anywhere. She excused herself and tried to move away but the guys refused to give her way. She sighed, she really wasn't in the mood to argue with douchebags.

"Can you please move?", She said politely. One of the guys, Ryan, moved closer to her, "Now why would we do that? I, for one, like where I'm at."

Teresa stumbled backward as he pressed his body up against her, her books falling out of her hands.

"Move.", She said, her voice losing all the calm.

"You sure you want him to? You look like you're enjoying him against you.", One of the lackeys, John, she remembered, said. Teresa squinted, She was enjoying this? The guy must have lost his marbles.

She glared at him, before looking back at Ryan, "I'll tell you one last time. Get out of my face." Her voice was low, dangerously low.

"You know, you're trying to sound brave, like you're actually someone that I need to be scared about. But I can actually see that you are terrified....terrified of what I could do to you.", Ryan smirked. Teresa whimpered slightly, of course she was scared and trying not to let it show. Damn it, where were her friends when she needed them?

"I'm not scared of you.", She lied, even though her heart was beating so hard against her ribcage out of pure fear. Part of her hoped Thomas or Newt or even Minho would appear out of somewhere to save her. She hated that she needed protection from these guys.

"You sure? Cause' It sure does look like it.", Alex, a guy standing Ryan, sniggered. She crossed her arm against her chest, shielding herself.

"Leave me alone.", She said to Ryan, moving back. Ryan just looked at her predatorily, walking towards her again. She closed her eyes, not wanting to cry when she heard someone say, "Back off." The voice was commanding, scary and included something that Teresa thought resembled concern, the voice was however also unlike anything she had ever heard. That's how she knew it wasn't Thomas or Brenda or any of her friends. She opened her eyes, her gaze snapping to the source of the voice. Her jaw dropped open and her breath was knocked out of her chest....It was Shawn who had spoke up.

"Dude, come on, it's fun., Alex whined and Shawn almost growled, "I said, 'Back off."

"Shawn, you can't be serious. She is just a nerd...", John started to say but stopped at the look he received from Shawn.

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