Chapter 23

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The doors to the hallway were pushed aside by Shawn as he and Teresa entered. He had shown up to pick her up and she hadn't questioned why. Neither had her parents whom she hadn't talked to, since yesterday.

She had, however, informed Brenda of what had happened....more like broke down while explaining on the phone to her so badly that Brenda had almost drove to Teresa's house to ensure that she was okay. But Teresa had composed herself enough to calm Brenda.

That's why when she spotted her gang, Brenda came right up to her, enclosing her in a tight, warm hug. Teresa hugged her back, closing her eyes, taking comfort in her friend as much as she could while Shawn just stood behind awkwardly. So she pulled herself away from the hug and Brenda asked, "How are you holding up?"

She knew Shawn was looking at her, questioningly.  She looked at him, before turning to ensure her friend, "I'm fine, B." She was lying. She was totally not fine.

Brenda nodded, rubbing her palm up and down Teresa's arm and Teresa found herself gulping before asking, "You haven't told anyone else, right?" She asked gesturing to the others who stood a few feet apart.


"Good...I just...I don't want them to know just yet."

"It's your wish, Teresa. But they'll be supportive, that I know."

"I know..." Teresa voiced, in a low tone.

"Hey.." Shawn interrupted. "I'm gonna go see my friends. I'll see you in class?"

Teresa smiled at his action, how he was leaving her so she could be alone and talk to Brenda about whatever she was hesitant to talk about in his presence. "Sure." She nodded her head.

"You wanna head over?" Brenda cocked her head to her right, gesturing to Thomas, Minho, Newt and Frypan stood.

"Nah...I think I'm gonna go to class." Teresa replied and made her way to the classroom.


Frypan saw Teresa walk away to class and when he turned around, he saw Winston walk past him. He excused himself from his friends and called out, "Winston."

When he didn't stop walking, Frypan ran after him, catching up soon.

"Winston...can we talk?" Frypan's words were rushed out as if keeping up the pace of the boy walking away from him, hastily. He saw Winston's back muscles stiffen as he stilled. He turned, not completely facing Frypan but at the same time, not completely ignoring him.

"Look, I'm sorry...about what I did. I should have come alone. I shouldn't have bought another girl to homecoming. I admit that I was wrong. But did you have to punish me by not talking to me for the past couple of days?"

Winston stayed silent.

"I really am sorry, Win....But you get why I did, right? I mean, I can't have my parents finding out that I'm gay and if I didn't have a date, they'd have started to suspect. That's why-"

"Let's break up." Winston's words weren't any louder than a whisper that Frypan almost thought he had imagined what Winston said.

"W-what?" Winston said, trying not to let his voice quiver.

"I said, let's break up, Fry." Winston sounded really tired and sad.

After few seconds of silence, Frypan managed to whisper out, "Why..? I...I told you I'm sorry...Did I do something else? Did I-"

Winston cut him off. "It's not about homecoming, Frypan. This is about you and me....and us."

Frypan gulped.

" I can't keep doing this anymore. I know I said I'm willing to wait for you and I am. But this is not good for me...for my heart. Everytime, we have to hide our relationship, I break a little more. I won't force you to come out for me, that is beyond fucked up on so many levels. But, at the same time, I can't wait around while you do stuff to fake your sexuality while also hurting me..."

Frypan didn't realize that he was about to cry until he sniffled. "I'll come out to them....I just need a bit more time... Don't do this, Win." Frypan used his pet name for Winston in despair.

Hearing his pet name roll out of his lover's mouth in a broken tone almost had Winston crawling to a lump on the floor, crying. Swallowing, he said, "You won't, Fry. You won't come out....atleast not as soon as I'd want it to be, anyway."

Frypan stared at Winston. He couldn't believe this was actually happening.

"If one day, you find the courage to be true to the know where to find me." Winston said and walked away as soon as he can, so as to not let his falling tears show, leaving Frypan behind him, staring shocked as both of their hearts broke.


Teresa sat in the empty classroom, her fingers massaging the sides of her head, her eyes closed.

"Teresa...." She heard Shawn's familiar voice. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." She said, opening her eyes and giving him a fake smile. He reciprocated it and sat down next to her, waiting for the rest of the students to join them.

She started, "Listen, Shawn...About what I was talking Brenda... it's-"

"Hey, you don't have to explain yourself. It's completely your wish whether you want me to know or not..
...I know you're not fine. Something is bothering me and as much as it kills me not knowing it, I won't put you in an uncomfortable space, forcing you to explain it to me. I just want you to be fine....really fine."

She stared at him, dumbstruck. It wasn't like she was about to tell Shawn everything. She was just about to say that it was complicated. But Shawn's speech knocked her to her knees and she found herself saying, "What if I want to?"

He looked at her, "What if I wanted to share?"

"Then you can, I guess."  He laughed nervously.  And she did. She told him all about what had happened, right from the beginning. Right from the first fight to the huge bomb dropped on her. And she realized that she didn't hesitate once. Shawn listened to her, intently.

"I'm sorry, Teresa...." He said, placing his palm over her hand on the desk.


"I know that nothing I could say could make you feel better right now, but if they do get divorced, things will get better one day. I'll be there for you through it all. It's going to be fine. You are going to be fine." He assured her.

She nodded, finding herself believing in the words of the boy whom she had  thought was only rude and arrogant two weeks back, but now, there wasn't anyone else in the world whom she would trust as much. She didn't know if she had feelings for Shawn or not. What she knew is that she wanted Shawn in her life, even if it was as just a friend.


Hiya! You know what to do 👇🏼!

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