Chapter 18

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"Shawn. Where the hell are you?" Teresa asked the boy on the other end of the phone that was lodged between her ear and shoulder, as she opened the door to The Brew with one hand, while she held her books in another.

"I'm parking my car. I'll be there in a minute." She heard him say, before she hung up. She looked out through the glass doors, leaning on the counter of the brew. It was a fine sunday afternoon and she was about to meet up with Shawn. Today wasn't one of the alternate days that she had said she would coach Shawn on. But they had a class test the next day and Teresa thought they would both benefit from one last revision. She had grown quite comfortable with Shawn. The day of the fire alarm, she kept her guard around him, refusing to make conversation other than studying. This didn't bode well with Shawn as he whined and sulked throughout. It didn't come as a surprise to her as Shawn seemed like the kind of guy who liked to talk. But his whining tugged a smile onto her face, which didn't go unnoticed by Shawn. He smiled at her then, before stopping sulking and turning his attention to what Teresa was teaching him.

The next day, she gave in a bit and engaged in a conversation with him, one she didn't regret. The more she talked to him, the more she realized that he was just like Thomas. It was so easy to talk to him.....just like it had been with Thomas. But this time around, she was careful. She wasn't as careless as she was with Thomas. She didn't want to befriend Shawn only for him to pull a Thomas. She refused to let herself get attached.

"Hey." She heard Shawn's voice from behind her. "Sorry, I'm late. Woah.." He said as he noticed the crowd in the Brew. "Shit, it's packed."

Only then did Teresa look around and Shawn was right, the place was jammed with people. She searched for an empty table, looking for a place for them to sit. Unable to find any, she said, "Should we wait for a while? See if any table gets cleared?"

"Are you kidding? Listen to the racket. We'll never be able to concentrate."

Teresa sighed. "You're right. What do we do, then? We need to study."

"The park?", Shawn offered.

Teresa frowned, "Did you see the clouds up there? There's a good chance it could rain. We can't go to the park."

"Then where?", Shawn said crossing his arms against his chest.

"I don't know...we can't go to my house..." Teresa said, remembering the hushed fight between her parents that she had witnessed just before she had left for the Brew.

"How about mine?"

Her eyes snapped to his, considering it.

"Just offering. No pressure." Shawn shrugged and then looked at a waitress who was about to go into the pantry. "Hey Angie. Will we be able to get a table? Just for two?"

"Sorry guys. It's a full house today." She smiled apologetically before leaving.

Shawn frowned, looking around.

Teresa said, "Okay. Let's go to your house."

"What?" Shawn asked as if he doubted he misheard her.

"Let's go." She said, her feet already carrying her towards the door.


Teresa sat inside the elegant Lamborghini, gently running her fingers over the seat belt strapped across her chest, while her other hand firmly held onto her books on her lap. She gazed out the window as Shawn drove to his home. Surprisingly, Shawn didn't speak the whole journey, making Teresa wonder if he was nervous.

"We're here.", Shawn announced after few minutes, making Teresa look forward from where she was sat. She gaped at the mansion that was oh-so clearly visible and her jaw fell open, watching in astonishment.

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