Chapter 5: I dont wanna go

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David POV:
As always, I woke up early.
I jumped out of bed, and got ready for the day.
I swung open the cabin door and breathed in that fresh pine air.
"Ahhh. Smell that fresh pine air!" I said satisfied with the scent.
I was strolling along for my early morning walk, when I head a small voice coming from one of the tents.
I curiously wandered over to the tent that had noise.
With each step, the voice was coming clearer.

"I don't want to go...I don't want to go...."

I heard the repeated whisper come from the tent, in a sad sorrowful voice.

"I...can't go back...I can't"
The voice sobbed.

Soon the voice stated to sound more and more familiar, until I realized it belonged to Max.

Now I knew something bad was stirring up, in Max's life. Apart of me was tempted to walk in there and comfort the young boy. But I knew he would just push me away.
Then a nasty thought creeped into my mind. 'Did this have to do with his parents..?'
That thought possessed my mind my entire walk.
I eventually snapped out of that negative mind state and checked my watch. It read 6:09. "Oh no! I'm late to be early!" I shouted,
as I zoomed back to camp.

As I arrived back at camp, I continued to get things ready, and keep a positive mind set while doing so. I then heard a sarcastic, yet sweet voice call behind me.

"Good morning David, would you like to explain your crazy plan this time?" Gwen smirked while crossing her arms.

"It's a surprise for everyone! And that includes you Gwen!" I said with excitement

After I was finished getting ready for today, I headed to the tents to wake up the campers. When they finally got out of their tents, I rushed them to the mess hall to get their breakfast. As usual, Niki was practically dragging a very sleepy max to the mess hall, and Neil having a conversation that always seemed to make Niki tilt her head in confusion. I waited until everyone was settled to start announcing the plan.

"Alright campers," I said getting everyone's attention while standing next to Gwen.

"Now sadly, today is the last day of camp. So I've decided, today we're going to do what you guys would like to do, but it has to relate to your camps." I said enthusiastically while I noticed Gwen put her elbow on my shoulder. I smiled at her and led the campers outside where all the camps were set up. I saw each individual camper go to their assigned areas. I was surprised to see Nerris and Harrison showing each other their magic tricks and getting along.
Then I saw Neil split away from max and Niki to work on the old computer he had.
A bit after Neil left, I saw Niki scamper on all fours into a tree.

"Wow David, you actually did it. You managed to make every camper happy. Even Nurf is practicing being not so much of a dick to everyone. Bravo." Gwen complimented while doing a slow clap.

"Well, I did my best!" I said giving a wide smile to Gwen.

But then I noticed max, just sitting there, making a mall structure out of a few twigs. He had a bored look on his face, and his eyes had dark circle. That's when I remembered that Max didn't have a camp.
I started to feel like I had made a mistake to give everyone some free time to enjoy their camp, while max was just sitting there having nothing to do. So I thought it would be the perfect idea to talk to him, maybe he would open up just a bit this time. I knew I was just getting my hopes up to high, but there was a chance, and I was desperate to take it.

"Hiya max!" I said with a wave.

"Agh! Jesus David, what to you want?" Max flinched.

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