Chapter 7: This earth is no place for me

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(Yes that's my drawing up there, I kinda messed up on it but I still like it ((it also has my tumblr in the corner so y'all should go follow that too ))
Max POV:
I felt sick all of the sudden again. I didn't understand why. I've never been this sick before. Yet I just sat there, throwing up my insides. It felt much better to get it out of my body, but the taste was terrible. I felt David's eyes on me as I finished up. I shuttered from the taste in my mouth as I wiped my mouth off with my hoodie sleeve.
The tears almost burned as they involuntarily flowed down my cheeks.
It was a long moment of silence when I felt myself back into David's arms. He squeezed my tight in his arms, but I just sat there and let it happen. Usually I would protest against physical contact with this particular man, but it felt nice to not be ignored for once. I then snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a cold and clammy hand on my forehead.
"Lay off David!" I grumbled in a lower raspy voice. "Oh max, you're burning up!" He said with worry in his voice.  "Yeah so what? I'll be fine." I shot back at him. "No you won't max, you have a fever. You're going to take some medicine." He said in a stern voice. I pushed myself away from the redhead and began to protest.
"Oh fuck no! You're not making me take that nasty shit! I'd rather get sick and die!" I shouted in my now scratchy voice. It hurt to yell but I wasn't having any of that.
"Max, as long as you're here then you're taking medicine!" He raised his voice a bit, while grabbing some clear bottle with a thick purple substance inside.
"Why do you care?!?" I shouted with my fists clenched.
"Well who else is there to care?!?" He said back, he immediately covered his mouth after that.
I have to admit, that hurt. That was the meanest thing I think I've ever witnessed David say.
I felt tears prick at my already watery eyes. I stormed out of the bathroom and left for my bag.
"Max! I'm sorry I just-"
I ignored his apology and continued to grab my bag and walk.
"Max? Where are you going?" He ran after me.
I was to angry and upset to even talk.
After all, he was right. No one did care about me, maybe him, but I knew he would just leave me. I wanted to leave, I wanted to go somewhere and never look back. I wanted to disappear. And I knew that there was only one way to do that. One way where nothing could get to me, and nothing will matter.

I continued to walk.

David's POV:
After max had left I continued to chase after him, but there was no use. He was much faster than I was. I felt my heart split into two. Where could he be going off to? He has nowhere to go.
I decided the best thing to do was to press on and not give up on him. I got into my car and began to drive down the road where I saw him head off to.
My whole body was in a panic, I had been searching for more than an hour and still haven't found max. I couldn't do it alone anymore, so I decided to call Gwen.
"Hey what's up David?" I heard her voice say in a calm neutral tone.
"Gwen! I need help finding max! It's a lot to explain right now but please help me!" I pleaded my former assistant councilor.
"Woah woah, David calm down. I'll be right there."
How could she be so calm? Was I the only one freaking out? Maybe I was being a bit over reactive, but still he could have been hurt for all I knew.
Soon Gwen showed up and as we searched I explained to her why I had max in the first place. That's when her reaction was bigger. Yet more angry than mine, mostly at his parents. "Wait David," She started. "Yes?" I said frantically.
"I know where max is." Her tone was dark and serious. You'd think getting good news about this would make me relax more but, you'd be wrong, because that piece of information made me panic more.
I let Gwen take the wheel on the way there, it was a long and talkative ride, we talked about max, and what direction our lives were headed to. It made me feel...closer to Gwen.
We eventually stopped at what seemed to be a cliff. We hopped out of the car and ran to the edge where mad stood at the very end.

Max POV:
This was it. Was I really going to end it all? I've joked about this in the past, but I never expected this moment to come. But again, David was right. I had nothing to look forward to. No loving family, and my friends are miles away. What was I supposed to do with my life.
I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard David call out my name.  I quickly turned around to see David and Gwen.
"Fuck..." I muttered. Tears began to flow down my face, I turned back around ignoring David and looked down at the bottom of the cliff, where I was going to die.
I just stared there for a moment before I attempted to jump.
But before I could I felt my hand being tugged.
It was David, I waited to long and gave him time to run all the way up here. He was out of breath and held me dangling from a 50 Ft cliffs.
"Hang on max, Gwen!" He called out.
"Just let go David..." I said in a soft quiet voice.
He looked at me as I let go of his arm, it was a moment of silence before it was broken by David.
"NO!" He shouted as he used his other hand to grab my arm. We began to slip off the cliff when Gwen pulled David by his legs, pulling us back up.
They both just gave me concerned looks and I didn't know what to do or say. So I began to cry, I felt the tears burn down my face they wouldn't stop, it was like a broken faucet. I saw them look At each other and then turn their attention to me. David eyes were watery and so were Gwen's, I soon felt David pull all of us into a big hug. I was shielded from the cold harsh world, by the warmth and kindness of the two people who cared.
Soon my sad frown morphed into a smile of gratefulness.

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