Chapter 8:A place where I belong

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Third POV:
The three hugged for a few minutes. Max tried to get away a few times, but David would only tighten his grip each time. For a scrony looking guy, David was actually quite strong. You'd suppose he'd have to be, since he's always out in the nature.

After the hug was broken, you could hear a tiny grumbling sound come from Max's stomach.
"I suppose you're hungry after that little adventure of yours," David chuckled as he turned his attention to Max. "How about we grab a bite to eat on the way back to my place." David said, while leading the two back to his car. As they continued to walk, David felt a small tug on his had. Max had gripped David's hand and began to walk beside him. David wanted to say something, but he didn't want to ruin the moment, so he gripped the small boys hand back. He felt pride and joy the whole way back to his car. 
The three hopped into the car and head to the nearest diner. David finally didn't feel alone anymore, he had his good friend Gwen, and max, his nuclear son. Unlike most of the other rides David had with the two, this one was chatty, and filled with happiness. Max thought it was pretty odd that they were being so positive about they were being so positive about the situation. But he figured, like always, David wanted to keep things positive. Which max would never admit to, but was exactly what he really needed right then.
Max began to notice some sort of fluffy flirt between his two former councilors. He noticed that David would say something, anything, and it would get a small chuckle from Gwen. That's not all he saw though, David would make jokes here and there, and ask Gwen how she was doing. Since Max had no speech filter what so ever, he broke this tension with one simple question. "So are you guys gonna stop flirting and go on a date or something? Because watching this is getting kinda boring." Max questioned loudly while hopping closer to the middle console of the car. David was flustered by the question, and turned his attention to the now blushing Gwen.
"Uh-Gwen and I are...." he stuttered. "Oh look! We're here! Ok come on guys!" Gwen interrupted while a wave of relief washed over the two.

When they all got out of David's car, they all walked into a surprisingly busy diner. They sat themselves and ordered their food.
When everyone finished their food, max let out a small cough. David just took max by the hand and said, "come on max, you need medicine." In a calm voice. Max felt sick enough that he finally accepted the fact that he needed it.
Once the two adults paid for lunch, they hopped back into the car and headed back to David's house.
On the way there, Max started to feel drowsy, he felt his eyes begin to feel heavier and heavier. He started to feel his surroundings fade away as he fell asleep.

David's POV:
We were about five minutes into the drive home, when Gwen pointed out the soft snores coming from the back of the car. It was probably good that max was sleeping, after what he had just been through, and his sickness, this was good. "So, what's the plan?" Gwen asked while putting her hand on my shoulder. "Im not sure, I checked the missing persons site online and max wasn't even on it. His parents didn't report his running away." I said with a worried tone. "Well, it's not like those sonsa bitches care anyways," Gwen angrily fired out. "Why don't we just try to...I don't know....adopt him...?" She shrugged, I saw her blush a bit.
"W-we?" I questioned with a bigger blush. There was a minute of silence. "Yeah, we." She answered.
I adjusted my front mirror so that I could look at the sleeping child, and made up my mind. "Yeah, lets do it." I confirmed.

The rest of the drive was planning. Gwen suggested that if we pretended to be a married couple and had shared custody, that there would be more of a chance that the social workers would hand max over. The word pretend made a little crack in my heart for some reason. Did I really have feelings for Gwen? What if we didn't have to pretend? What if we were to actually—
I immediately pushed those thoughts away, because I knew Gwen wouldn't feel the same.
We decided that I would have to get a bigger home, closer to a school, which I was already planning on doing. We decided to raise him together, which might have sounded ridiculous then and there, but we were determined.
As soon as we arrived back at my house, I tried to wake up Max, but he was out cold. So I had to carry the boy inside. As he snuggled my shoulder Gwen made a small bed for him on my couch.
I laid him down and he snuggled the blanket. But about a minute later, I heard him get up and panic.
"Max? What's the matter?" I asked with a concerned look.
"David you bastard, where is he?!?" He yelled with a raspy voice.
"Max, keep your voice down, you're gonna end up hurting yourself." I hushed him.
"Give me back Mr. Honeynuts!" He demanded in a sleepy voice.
I quickly ran to the laundry room where I had washed the bear and handed it to max. He then snatched the bear and Immediately fell back to sleep. I just stood there looking at my future sons face. L
I then heard Gwen walk into the living room. "Okay, do you need anything from the drug store? I'm getting max some medicine." She asked while rummaging through her purse.
"Oh Gwen, you don't have to do that." I insisted.
"I wanna help David, it's gonna be hard taking care of him alone. Please, let me help you." She plead.
I felt the blush burn across my face. I gave her a warm smile and a thumbs up. "Okay, I'll be back."
I heard the door shut and I flipped on the Tv and sat on the couch.

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