The meeting

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Max POV:

"You done?" David walked across the room holding a few papers in his hands.

"Yeah, about." I said as I bit into the last piece of my sandwich.

He had a single piece of paper in his hands. It looked like a file of some sort.

"Whatcha got there?"

"Max," his voice seriously said.

"Y-Yeah....?" Confused, I answered.

"Do you know what a CPS officer is?"

"" What the fuck was he talking about??

He pulled out a chair and looked me in the eyes, and explained what a CPS officer was.

"So basically, this lady who helps kids or whatever...?" I said, knowing god damn well what was coming next.

"Yes, basically. You're going to have to talk to her about you're parents okay?" David held my hand from across the table.

I hated talking to strangers. I think that I've made that clear by now, but now this?!?! Hell no. Fuck this. It already hurts enough talking about my parents to David, and now he wanted me to talk to some random lady Ive never seen in my life about shit she doesn't need to worry about?


I snatched my hand away from David, disgusted.

"You want me to do WHAT?" I said in disbelief.

"Max come on, shes here to help." David approached me and attempted to calm me down.

"No! How can you know we can trust her?!"

"I know you're scared but don't worry. Her job is to be trust worthy."

Something about what David was telling me sorta calmed my senses, but how could I be sure?

"Ugh..Finnnneeeee." I sighed.

"Thank you for trusting me, Max.


I was very skeptical about this. For starters why would I be forced to talk to someone I don't even know, or like?

I cant trust anyone anymore. Maybe not even David. I know he says he cares for me but what if he's lying? What if he gets tired of me and doesn't want me sound anymore? What am I gonna do then?

All these thoughts flooded my mind as I tried not to get another migraine from the stress.

"Max, you in here?" Gwen said from across the hallway.

"Um yeah?" I walked out the room with my mind still wandering.

"You almost ready to go?" She grabbed her purse and pulled it around her shoulder.

"You're coming?" I asked surprisingly.

"Of course you little shit"

"I care about you."

Apart of me didn't believe her.
I didn't know what to believe anymore.


(Third POV)
The leather seats in the car were warm and the air conditioner blew gently on Max's hair and face. He started to feel a sharp pain on his temples. David and Gwen made conversation the whole way there and that helped not one bit.

They soon got closer and closer to their destination and as they did, Max got more nervous.

He fidget with his hands for a while before he felt the car stop. He swallowed deeply, and stepped out of the car.

As they entered the building Max's head began to throb.

"Ok Max, just follow that woman down the hallway to her office. Don't be scared, everything's gonna be alright." David told him nervously.

Max scoffed.

"I'm not afraid, what's the point of being afraid of someone who's gonna have no impact on my life?"

"Max don't be like tha-"

"Max?" A woman called from the hallway.

"Go on, we'll be here ok?" Gwen places her hand on his shoulder.

He anxiously walked down the hallway, which seemed to be never ending. 'Just follow the lady,' he thought to himself repeatedly. Soon they stopped at a small room with a bright lamp and a laptop placed on a small grey table.

The woman sat down and gestured for max to do the same. She took a few moments to type a few keys on her laptop, somehow making max more eager to get this over with.

"Okay, were all set. Hello max, my name is heather." She greeted with a 'i wish this weren't my job' tone.

"Um....hey..." the boy began to fiddle with his hands underneath the table.

"Okay what do we have here....oh're supposed to tell me what's been going on with your parents. So what's up?" She asked.


Oh god, max started to feel the tears well up in his eyes by even just thinking about talking about his parents.


"Well..they...weren't the best of parents...."

"I need details if we're gonna help you, kid."

"'re right I need to suck it up...I guess it all started since before I was even born."

Max began to vomit information, he found that when he started to talk, it wouldn't stop. He talked about his parents beating him, verbal abuse, his thoughts of suicide, what happened just a few weeks ago with David. Everything. Some things even David and Gwen yet to know.

"Wow...kid, I-"

"Don't. I don't need your pity I just wanna get this over with okay?"

"Well it looks like we're done here, go get your....guardians...."

"The kid cant stay with you."

"What?!?" David and Gwen said in unison.

"Look, what you guys are doing for this kid is great, especially looking back at his records, he needs this, but you haven't even been certified as a foster care parent, before adoption, you must be a foster parent."

"Well how long does it take to become foster parents?" David anxiously asked.

"Maybe a month or two, possibly a few weeks since there's both of you. We have to do constant random home checks to make sure you're suitable. I trust you, but the board might not yet. The best thing to do is to just find a place, move in, get stable jobs, and ya know, be caring parents?"
Heather spoke, mostly in a monotone voice.

"This is gonna be hard to break to the kid David." Gwen said sadly.

"I know. But if it's what's best, maybe we should."


Max was still in the waiting room, feeling nervous about everything. He sighed before seeing david and Gwen with a sad complexion.

"What's going on..?"


Hello, it's been a while my bad, but if you're into marvel (specifically irondad) I have a few prompts for one shots and i want y'all to read and vote okay thanks:)

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