Chapter three: Nightmares&Migranes

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Max POV:
After dinner ended, we finally went  back to our tents for another night of lying in bed and again realizing how much of a terrible person you are until you fall asleep.
I finally started drifting off and shut my eyes for a bit and woke up in a place I didn't recognize at first.

Dream Max POV:
'Huh? Where am I'
I thought to myself and I slowly rose as I rubbed my forehead.
Once I had a moment to collect my thoughts, a shot of pain and memory came shooting up my entire body.
Soon, my fingertips felt pointy and shakey, and my stomach twisted. It felt like my lungs were closing in on me and I couldn't breathe.
I suddenly heard loud, intimidating footsteps make its way to where my room where I was.

It was my father. He burst through my door and grabbed me by my neck as I gasped for air, and spoke.

"You made a real mistake disturbing me and your mother boy."

He said in his  usual dark and raspy voice, with pure rage in his eyes. They were almost hypnotizing.

I quivered, wondering what it was I did wrong. Tears started to prick at my eyes from fear and the lack of air.
My fathers grip grew tighter and tighter as his smile grew more scary and disfigured.
I saw a black silhouette of my mother with red eyes, with her hand over her mouth,  laughing while on the phone. Probably telling her other snooty friends about how hilarious my face looked like.

Soon my vision  was getting blurry, and I couldn't move.
I felt my chest close in and my lungs stop.
I couldn't see anything, yet I still heard laughing haunting my mind.
I found myself in a pitch black room with a shiny floor, showcasing my reflection.
The laughing continued, getting louder and louder. Coming from all around, I looked around with tears in my eyes.
I curled up in a ball and covered my ears with my hands.

I shouted.

But the laughing continued, getting louder and louder and louder.
I saw a black liquid arise  from a hole in the shiny black floor.
Thick, black liquid rose, I tried to move but my feet were stuck to the floor.
The liquid continued to flow up and up, as I gasped for air one last time, the liquid rose above my head.
I was drowning, but I could still hear the laughter clear as day. It wasn't over. It never was.

Max POV:
I shot up in a cold sweat, grabbing my neck and taking a huge breath in. My eyes were watery, puffy and red.
I stared breathing in and out in attempt to calm myself down and collect myself.
It was the most graphic dream I've had ever. It scarred me, especially since it was about my parents. The only thing in this world that scared
Me except old people having creepy dungeon sex.
After I calmed myself down, I decided to go back to sleep.

Time skip

David POV:
I got out of bed that morning feeling as positive as possible.
I was still worried about max but I tried not to make it as obvious anymore.
I woke up Gwen and the campers and headed to the mess hall for breakfast.
I saw max looking at his food with a look of terror in his eyes. I had never seen max so freaked in his life.
So, I walked over to him.

"Hey max, is everything okay over here..?" I asked trying not to sound too concerned.

He just turned away from me and said "I-uh, don't want to talk about it..."

He didn't sound like his bitter self, he sounded, traumatized.

"W-Well okay,,,I'll just be here if you wanna talk." I said surprised and walked away.

"Hey David, what's up with max?he looks like he just went through some crazy horror story shit."
Gwen asked with one eyebrow raised.

"Well I'm not so sure Gwen, he won't tell me anything. I'm starting to get really really worried for him."

"Well you better find out soon, if he keeps holding this in, he's gonna snap like a skinny little pencil." She said.

"I'll try." I said before starting the next activity.

"Aaaaaaaalllrighty campers, are you ready for today's fun filled activity?"I said with a single clap.

"No, not particularly." Neil said with his finger up.

"Well get ready because today, we're going to do EXTREME SPORTS CAMP!" I said enthusiastically.

"Alright!" I heard Ered say from across the room.

"Okay everyone, head to the activity field!" I said pointing to the door.

Everyone begrudgingly walked to the field except for Ered and Niki, they were clearly excited.

Then I saw max, trying to keep his tough guy persona on but couldn't hide that scared look on his face.

'Hm. That's odd, usually max objects to my plans' I thought to myself while rubbing the back of my head.

I shrugged it off and went about my day.

Max POV:
Today was embarrassing, I looked like a pussy the whole time during the activities. But gosh was I scared, I still AM scared. Anyways, we were doing some roller skate shit when all the sudden things started to get blurry and foggy.
At first it looked kinda cool, but then it felt like someone threw a rock at my brain. I just stood there like an idiot, holding my head in pain.
It wasn't long before David was a
Walking over to me. But I didn't want, nor need his help, so I backed up. But I ended up slipping because I was wearing roller skates and hit my head on the ground, hard. Everyone was surrounding me, like I was some museum artifact that they could just look at.
I wanted to shoo them away but I was too weak to move. David was shaking me, saying "Max! Max! Are you okay?!? Max, Answer me!"
Then I don't remember much afterwards. Everything just seemed to fade away.

David POV:
When Max closed his eyes, I knew something bad was going on. I scooped him up and rushed him to the councilors cabin, while Gwen watched the kids.
I laid him on my bed and called a doctor.
Thankfully he was okay, he just fainted I guess. The doctor said as long as he's breathing and doesn't have any bleeding wounds, he'd be okay. But to take him back if he doesn't wake up in the next 6 hours.
I put him under the covers and made sure he was asleep.

Phew! that took a while I tried to hurry and get this chapter out! I hope it's good. Please leave comments! Alright see ya laters😅

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