Chapter 9: bad memories

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Max POV:
As I finally managed to shove my shoes on, I heard the door open. 'Gwen must be here' I thought, as I made my way down the hallway.
I started to hear faint whispers as I peeked around the corner to see David pand Gwen whispering in the living room.
I couldn't quite make out what they were saying, but I could tell something was being hidden from me. Which made it all the more interesting to find out. Finally, some mischief around here, it was getting kind of sappy if I was being honest.
I tried to listen the best I could but before I knew it the moment was over. I scrambled to get away from the suspicious position I was in and walked out normally.
"O-oh hey max!" David said surprised to see me.
I smirked and said nothing else.
"So squirt, make up your mind yet?" Gwen asked in a pleasant tone.
I hated it when she called me that. It made me feel like a little toddler.

I shook off the slight annoyance, and began to think of the things that mother never let me do.
There was a lot of options, but there's one thing that I really wanted to do.
I felt a smirk begin to grow, as I spoke.
"How about the mall?" I said with a malicious tone.
Gwen's face lit up, and as for David, he looked rather confused.
"Which mall..?" He asked with suspicion.
"The fancy one," I continued, rubbing the tips of my fingers together.
"Max I think we need a membership to get into that mall-" I quickly interrupted David, by pulling a small card from out of my pocket.
"Relax, I have you covered." I said with a wink.
"H-how did you even-" he started
"Well even if we do have a card everything there is so expensiv-"
This time he was cut off by Gwen.
"David," Gwen said in a serious yet exited child like tone. She put her hands on his shoulders and stared deep into his eyes.
"I've always wanted to go to that mall, ever since I was little, we don't even have to buy anything, can we just-pleeeeeeaaaaseee!!" She said with puppy dog eyes.
"Oh alright." David said in a broken down voice.
Gwen started getting very exited. She wouldn't stop talking non-stop about this tv show that she watches called "The Rich Housewives Of Bitch City", and how their hang out place was at a mall just like that one.
I had a lot of bad memories at that mall, but there was things that I felt like I had to do. Things that mother never let me do. It was going to be fun.

There was only one thing that I was worried about, but I shook it off. I was going to have a little fun of my own today. And besides, it was hard to hear my own thoughts with Gwen talking about that dumb show.
It was kind of interesting though, maybe I would give it a watch.

As we finally got there, David looked back at me with the review mirror. He had this big dopey smile on his face. A classic David face, so classic that it pissed me off. I gave him a small glare, and an eye roll, and continued to get out of the car.

As we walked in, I felt old memories wash over me, I remembered following mom into the huge glass doors. It smelt of lavender perfume and freshness. A smell I remember all too well.
As we walked into the building, there was a big toll, like stand there.
I remembered the man in the booth, Mom and I would come here often, so I recognized him.

"Your card si-"he asked, but wanting to cut this short, I handed him the member ship card to swipe, and snapped.
"Shut the fuck up Jon."

He then quickly swiped the card and handed it back to me.
We continued to walk, and I then noticed Gwen's face light up.
Then I turned my attention to David, his face was...concerned to say the least. I didn't know why though.
I was confused on why he looked so scared, but maybe he wouldn't want to talk about it. Oh who am I kidding? It's David, of course he wants to express his fucking feelings.
"What's got you so scared suddenly" I asked with an tone of annoyance.
"W-Well it's just that," he paused for a moment to look around.
"Well, I just feel uncomfortable around all of these rich people. They have an odd vibe to them.."
He continued as he poked his fingers together.
I guess he felt somewhat intimidated by all of these people. I couldn't be too surprised though, he even thinks that the Cheesecake Factory, is out of his league. And they had two of those here.
I saw Gwen turn her attention to David and give him a look of empathy.
She placed her hand on his shoulder and looked at me.
"It's fine David, I came here to do
one thing anyways." I said in an understanding tone.
"I'm not sure max, maybe this was a ba-" Gwen started, but was quickly interrupted by David stepping up.
"No," his tone was deeper and more meaningful.
"If this will make max happy, I'm willing to stay." He said with a warm smile. His words echoed in my brain. Some how making it more and more confusing to listen to. Why did David care about, me?
I asked myself as I continued to stare at the Now positive looking David
Was he seriously doing all this for me? What a mistake he's made to care for someone like me. I'm not worthy. I've proved that to him so many times, yet he still tried.

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