House hunting

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I immediately ran upstairs and went into Audrey's room, thinking of some sort of explanation. Audrey soon

Cracked open the door and slid in, looking at me with wide eyes and her hands covering her mouth.

"Please. I'm innocent. I won't hurt you. Don't panic" I told her with my hands in front of me.

"Why did you never tell me?!" She loudly whispered.

I sat down on her fur rug and asked if she could sit beside me. She sat as I asked her to and I explained the story.

"No wonder."

I nodded and looked down at my hands, I never asked for this.

"They all count on me for the day of the Changing. I never asked for any of this."

"What's The Changing?" She asked.

"It's the day when all of the vampires use the "special one" for more power in themselves. It's like a Black Friday, but only once every twenty years. The special one has much much power though. The only disadvantage is that, usually, the special one passes on because all power is taken from it."

"What does being the special one mean?"

"It means... That you were probably meant to be killed and instead of dying you came back as a.. Well you know."

Audrey had a scared look in her eyes and tears began to well In them.

"Please don't cry" I begged her.

"I can't hear about you dying for the selfishness of others Cas! My ours just getting to see me!" She cried.

All I could do was hug her and convince her that everything was gonna be okay.


Later on that day, we all got dressed to go house hunting for Audrey. I was told it would probably take all day so I needed to wear something comfortable. I put on my black jeans, Mickey Mouse shirt, black vans, and my sunglasses. Oh how I miss being able to dress normally.


We got back to the house later that night at about 10 and we were exhausted. She didn't like any of the houses we looked at. We ate earlier so that made everyone even more tired than usual. I changed into some of Audrey's pajamas and fell out on the bed. So did she.

"I wanna sleep" I managed to mumble into the pillow.

Something seemed wrong with me, I shouldn't be this tired and weak.

The next morning was the same, but only with the blinds closed. Audrey woke me up again and sat on the bed beside me.

"Please don't tell more house hunting" I begged.

"Well we can't continue until I find a house"

I rolled over to Bury my face into the pillow. "Okay okay"

Audrey squealed with excitement.

I snapped up and walked to the bathroom.

Same old look in the Mirror every morning. " pale" I told myself.

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