Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: New Changes.

Waking up to a giddy feeling in my body, holding onto the hand that was around my waist with a big grin across my face as I turned around facing the person beside me. His eyes were closed, breathing steadily, and soft snores escaping him. I rubbed his arm up and down staring at him with butterflies flying around my stomach.

Just staring at his beautiful features gives me this giddy feeling. I was dying to kiss him but I didn't want to wake him up, he looks so peaceful. "Staring is rude." My heart stopped, as I watched his eyes flutter open with a smirk playing on his lips.

I swallowed roughly. "I-I wasn't staring." I stuttered out, he raised an eyebrow.

"Mhm. Sure." He said sarcastically playful, he wrapped his arms tighter around me pulling my bare body to his own. I shivered when he rubbed his hand on my bare back. "Good morning." Before I could respond he smashed his lips onto mine, taking me by surprise at first.

I slowly moved my lips with his in sync. He turned over hovering over my body, causing my eyes to widen. "Xander." I gasped when he leaned down kissing my stomach. My eyes fluttered closed from the butterfly kisses he was sending to my stomach. "Your mom and the others are going to come back, soon." I forced out, opening my eyes.

He looked up at me sighing in annoyance. "Shower?" My eyes widen realizing what he meant by shower. He smirked cockily. "I won't take no for an answer." I went to open my mouth and say something but he grabbed me bridal style causing me to squeal at his unexpected action.

He carried me bridal style into the bathroom and kicked the door shut with his foot. "Shower time." He bit my earlobe causing me to gasp.


I finished doing my hair, makeup, and getting dressed. I stood up after I finished strapping my heels, standing straight looking at myself in the mirror, satisfied with my today's look. (Outfit on top) Turning around and grabbing my purse before walking out.

Rose, Savannah, and Ryder had arrived back and we all had breakfast together. After breakfast Ella had called me to come over because she needed to talk about something serious, which slightly scared me because of the tone in her voice.

I walked downstairs carefully and made my way towards Xander's office, lifting my fist and knocking on the door. "Come in." I opened the door causing him to look up from his computer. "You know you don't have to knock, you're my wife." I blushed at the 'my wife'.

I bit my lip walking towards him, placing a short kiss onto his lips. "I wanted to tell you that i'm going to Ella's." I said, pulling away from the kiss.

He wrapped his arm around my hips pulling me closer to him. "Go ahead but be careful." He motioned to my stomach.

I nodded my head. "I will." I reassured, kissing his lips one last time. "I love you." I walked out of his arm, he grinned at me.

"I love you too, be safe." I nodded, walking out of the office and slipped on my coat as I headed towards the front door.

I pulled the door open walking towards the driver who had already been prepared. "Ready, Mrs.King?" I nodded my head, he pulled the door open for me.

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