Part 10 (Delcie)

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The group dispersed and Delcie took one last look at her sister. She was walking with.. She forgot his name.. They were side by side, converting. Delcie squinted at the guy one last time. He didn't seem bad, but he did seem to like Carrigan. And she seemed to like him. But, he'd have to get on Delcie's good side before she let him date her sister.

"Ahhh, the good old glare! This time it isn't for me." Carson followed her focused eyes, "Oh. You're looking at Radar?"

That's it! Radar. She turned to him, "What does it matter to you?"

"Look, if you have a weird fetish for short nerds, then go for it. But you should look at your other options first." He raised his eyebrows up and down at her giving her a telling hint.

Her face lit up with sarcasm, "Oh yes! My knight in shining armor I've been waiting for! Please rescue this damsel in distress!" 

He put his arm around her, careful about not stabbing himself with one of the spikes on her armor. She grabbed that arm and flipped him over her shoulder to the ground and put her foot on his neck, "Never do that again. Don't you know what sarcasm is? I don't need, or even want a boyfriend. Especially one like you." It came out harsh, but only affected Carson for a second. He smiled at her, "I'll gain your love in time."

She scoffed, took her foot off of his neck, and thought about leaving him, but kicked his side, "Hurry up."

He gripped his side and panted for a moment, "Those are.. some good.. skills you've got!"

She ignored the compliment and continued walking. He got up and ran to her side. He released his side, although it still hurt. "So, what's your life story?" He asked.

She raised a brow at him, "I'm not here to start a pity session."

He nodded, "Seems like we've both had bad lives then."

She scoffed, "There's no way yours was bad. You're too.. perky to have a bad background."

"I just don't let it affect me. I just focus on the happy things in life. Sometimes, my happiness is an act, but most of the time, I'm just trying to bring smiles to others' faces." He turned to her, "Like you. I don't know how to get you to smile. Normally, I just flirt a little bit, and girls laugh. They know I'm just messing. But you're different, it's kinda nice." Carson smiled at her.

She turned to him. This time, there wasn't exactly a glare, but not a happy look either, "I've been told I was different than other girls many times. I don't believe that phrase... Not anymore.." She mumbled the last part.

He put his hands in his hoodie's pocket, "If I tell you my backstory, will you tell me yours?"

She shrugged and he continued, "Well. I don't remember much about my family. I lost a lot of my memories when I was put in the mental institute."

"I can see why you were there." Delcie joked. He shook his head, "I'll explain that later. My family was a good family. We all loved each other. We had our bad moments, but we all made it through as long as we had each other. I know it sounds cheesy, but it's true. When I grew up, I got the most beautiful girl to be my girlfriend-no offense."

She made a sound between a scoff and a laugh. Then Carson continued, "We were instantly in love. After a year, I proposed. When we were about a week from our wedding, we were going on a walk together. Out of nowhere, a mob of zombies came and attacked us." He lifted up his hoodie to show the scar on his stomach and pulled the hood to the side to reveal the one on his neck, "I got these scars from it. But they never hurt near as bad as it did when I watched the zombies murder her." He burst into tears and began to wipe them, "I tried to stop them. I remember the terror in her eyes. The pain. But I didn't make it in time. Now, I wear this hoodie to cover the scars. I got it from her for my birthday the year we met."

Delcie felt bad for him. He was obviously really close to this girl. He tried to hold back the tears as he continued his story, "After that happened, I went insane. I left my family and ran away to the forest that the incident happened at. Later that day, I found a place called the Forest Temple. I went inside and fell to the bottom of the cave. About two weeks later, I ran into Jesse and Lukas. They are some of the people we're rescuing. Anyways, I instantly liked Jesse, a lot. She had such a kind heart and trusted people. And she always stayed positive. She's the person who taught me to always look at the bright side."

"Do you still like her?" Delcie asked. He thought for a bit, "As a friend, yes, of course. As anything more, I think I ruined that for us. Also, I can't try to sink the Lukesse ship again."

She gave him a confused look, but Carson shook it off, "Lukas liked her. I could tell that when I first met them. I let my jealousy get the best of me, and tried to kill him when I had the chance. Luckily, he survived and came back a few days later. I wasn't happy about that at the time though. I kidnapped Jesse and tried to force her to marry me. Her friends interrupted the wedding. Starting with Lukas objecting the wedding. She got free soon and I went to attack her brother, but Lukas caught me and beat me up. Then, I was put in the mental institute. And here I am."

Delcie nodded for a moment, processing it all, "That does sound pretty rough."

He scoffed, "I'm just glad Lukas survived and defeated me. His love for Jesse is just... incredible. He'd do anything for her. I don't even want to begin thinking what life would be like if I was still.. insane like I was."

She decided to change the subject, "The door should be right up here." She ran and he followed behind. Sure enough, there it was. She turned to him, "Don't let your confidence get you killed."

He nodded and she opened the door.

"Aren't you going to tell me your story?"

She hesitated, "Maybe later. Right now, let's focus on this."

They looked around. It was just a small, purple space. The only thing in the area was a rope. Once you climbed it, it led to another room above. Delcie grabbed onto the rope and began to pull herself up it. Carson followed after, "So is there anything about this that I should know ahead of time?"

She shook her head, "I've been here multiple times, but every time I have, it's changed. They're constantly changing, so you never know what to expect."

He slowly nodded, "Okay. That's just great then."

Once they made it to the top, monsters of all different kinds dropped from the ceiling. Carson drew his sword and Delcie put her fists in front of her. They attacked the monsters. After a few monsters, a creeper lit behind Delcie. She punched it and it flew back into a pole. It exploded and water gushed out. A piece of damaged metal flew out and smashed Delcie on the side of the head. She dropped into the water and heard Carson call her name. She was losing consciousness. But she saw a blur swimming towards her. As things blacked out, she felt an arm grab onto her.

 As things blacked out, she felt an arm grab onto her

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