Part 18 (Radar)

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Radar saw Jesse and Stella return to their level of ground. Water started to leak from the hole they came out of. Radar raced to Jesse's side. He hadn't gotten a chance to hug her yet.

Jesse turned and saw him racing towards her. A smile spread across her face. She held up a hand telling him to slow down a bit and motioned to her injury. Radar slowed and came before her. He hugged her tightly, careful not to touch the wound. 

"Jesse. I'm so glad you're okay! Well, mostly."

Jesse laughed and leaned back to look at him, "Are you alright? You're crying."

Radar didn't realize, "Oh. Umm yeah. Sorry, I'm just really happy to see you again."

Jesse smiled, "I'm glad to see you too Radar. Thanks for coming to rescue us."

Soren raced towards Jesse, "I hate to disrupt the reunion, but Mevia had a plan B."

"What do you mean 'plan B'?" Gabriel asked with a wary look in his eyes. Soren motioned behind him, "See for yourself."

Tons of iron golems were making their way towards them. Stella grunted, "Why wouldn't this be the end of the fight?"

Lukas came to her side, panting. He was wet as well, it just made his visible abs and hair look so much more attractive, "Romeo and I just got out of that hole, but it looks like there's no break for us."

Petra came to Jesse's other side, "Alright Miss Butters, show me what you've got."

Carson and Jess climbed out of a nearby hole. Carson lifted Jess to his feet. Then, they raced to their friends' sides friends as well, "Looks like I found the reunion spot, but it looks like the hug will have to wait sis."

Jesse nodded in agreement. All of her friends and past enemies came to line up as well. Cassie drew her ax, "They aren't coming for us. They're heading towards Mevia and the guards. We can't let the golems untie them."

"Let's distract them with this." Aiden said. He pulled fireworks from his inventory and lit them. He tossed them to a few of the other people. Radar was shocked when Aiden handed him a pack. It filled him with determination (Yup, another reference. Take a wild guess). He raced towards the golem that was headed for Mevia. She may not be bulky, but she was definitely the most dangerous of them.

He lit the firework straight in the direction of the golem. It blew right beside the golem, and it wasn't happy about it. It glared in Radar's direction and began to charge in his direction. Mevia scowled, "Forget him! He's too scrawny to bring harm to a measly ocelot!"

Radar glared at her as he blew another firework and circled around the golem, "I'm stronger than you think. Plus, the only reason I wouldn't be able to hurt an ocelot is because I like ocelots."

Mevia rolled her eyes, "Whatever, you punk. If you're so strong then why don't you just come untie me and we can have a battle."

"I'm smarter than that." Radar said, "You'd just run away at freedom."

Mevia shook her head, "Oh come on. Don't you want to prove to your friends that you're more than a weak assistant? You only have that job so Jesse can protect you. What will you do when Jesse's dead?"

Radar clenched his fists, but stood his ground. He wasn't about to let her persuade him to set her free, "She isn't going to die anytime soon. Not on my watch. And I prefer the term 'hero in residence'. They know how strong I am and that's all that matters. Why should I care what you think?"

"Radar! Behind you!" Romeo called out. Radar spun around and saw an iron golem lift it's arm and blew a punch. Radar screeched and ducked out of the way. He stood back up and saw that both golems had him pinned.

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