I don't know what to believe anymore!

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*Rose's P.O.V.*

I have a feeling that Justin is lying, but I don't know if my feelings are even right! I sit down and I remember the 1st time me and Justin met.


I was sitting on the swings, crying! I couldn't believe my boyfriend! Or should I say was my boyfriend! I couldn't believe I saw Alex making out with another girl! That asshole! Then I hear the swing next to me squeak. I turn my head, to my left and a cute boy! He had quiff hair, white t-shirt, jeans, chain, and he had beautiful, halzeut eyes! He asks "why you crying?" I give a fake grin.

 I turn my head, to my left and a cute boy! He had quiff hair, white t-shirt, jeans, chain, and he had beautiful, halzeut eyes! He asks "why you crying?" I give a fake grin

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I shake my head and I say "it's nothing." He smiles. Oh my god! He so cute when he smiles!

He asks "if it's nothing, why are crying?" He's good! I say "you wouldn't even care

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He asks "if it's nothing, why are crying?" He's good! I say "you wouldn't even care." He says "if I didn't care, I wouldn't be asking." I'm so stupid! I say "ok I'll tell you." And I tell him story. He says "wow! He's really a ass hole!" I chuckle and I say "I'm Rose. Rose Lopez." He says "I'm Justin. Justin Drew Bieber." I've heard that name before! And that's why he seems so familiar! I say "oh my god! You're the huge pop singer everyone talks about! I've heard your music and I love it!" Justin laughs and asks "so you heard alot of things about me?" I nod and he asks "what did you hear?" I say "well...you're favorite food, favorite color, your birthday!" And we started talking, like we've know each other, all these years!

you're favorite food, favorite color, your birthday!" And we started talking, like we've know each other, all these years!

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*flashback ends*

*Rose's P.O.V.*

I miss Justin so much! I just wish he can forgot all about this one day and we can the perfect couple we use to be!

*Justin's P.O.V.*

I really miss Rose! I'm still wondering if she's coming or not! I don't want this mess right now! We're almost done with the album Journal. We have 3 more songs to finish and we're done. Then my phone goes off.

I answer it and it was Austin! Now I have to handle with him now!? I groan and I answer it. Austin says, angry "what the hell, Justin!? Why are you divorcing Rose!? Did you find someone else!? Is that it!? Why!?" Rose probably told him! I say "calm down, Austin. I didn't find anyone, ok? I just think it's the best...." He interrupts me "what do you think the best!? You think it's the best leaving her, leaving her heartbroken and hurt!? I don't even remember you anymore, Justin. I have to go." Before I could say anything, Austin h hangs up. Is Rose really hurting? Am I going to leave her hurted and heartbroken? Is this just all lie? Or this is all the truth. Like I said before: "I don't know what to believe anymore."  I make a face while I was saying those things. I don't know what to do!

Sorry I made this story short and sorry for not updating for a long time! I forgot about this story. I couldn't believe I forgot! Hope you guys enjoyed this story. Thxs! I'll update....I don't when though.

Love this gif from the video "wait a minute by Justin Bieber!" Love that song!♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡

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Love this gif from the video "wait a minute by Justin Bieber!" Love that song!♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡

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