A New Mission (Ticci Toby P.O.V)

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I bounded down the loud creaking stairs, skipping steps on my way down, I was going to get a new mission! All on my own as well! I reached the fridge, and grabbed my victory toaster waffles out, I put them in the toaster and waited. This was my least favourite part, the wait for my glorious waffles! Pop! The food of the heavens popped out of the toaster, I grabbed it not feeling the heat, and I shoved it into my mouth chewing roughly as I began my journey to Slender's office to get my mission.
*Time Skip cuz boring brought to you by Toby's Waffles!*
Well I have my mission! Not as exciting as I wanted it to be....But still a mission! I was to spy on two kids called Dipper Pines and Mabel Pines. Of course I could not wait and darted out the door, as soon as possible, I ran into the forest towards my victims place they were staying, The Mystery Shack! But as I was walking down a winding dirt path I spotted two kids walking towards me! The boy was armed with a book of some kind and the girl had a grappling hook, they seemed to see me first, and where raising there 'weapons' of course I had my Hatches so I could kill both of them with one swipe! I realized that these could be the kids! But I was to late! WHAM! My head was forced downwards by something, I felt liquid, clearly blood, trickle down the back of my neck and down my cheek. I looked up to see the pair staring at me like a ghost! "What was that for?!" I grumbled wiping the blood with my sleeve, "Who are you!?!"The boy asked. "I'm T-toby, Who are Y-you?" I ticked at my name, causing the boy to tilt his head ever so slightly, "Dipper and Mabel Pines" Dipper responded a little hesitant. The girl, Mabel whispered something into Dippers ear, he pushed her face away shaking his head, my eyes wandered to the book that had hit me in the head. It was a six fingered hand with a 3 inside, "what's-s with the-e book?" I asked slightly reaching towards it, Dipper pulled it behind his back "it's nothing of your concern!" He snapped terrified. I chuckled he was scared now? I wasn't acting scary! If I was he would be on the ground begging for mercy!

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