⌜ five ⌟

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❝are they dating?❞ it was supposed to be a whisper but unfortunately for mark, jeno heard it

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are they dating?❞ it was supposed to be a whisper but unfortunately for mark, jeno heard it

jeno turned around to look at where mark was staring and saw two people feeding each other like how couples do on dates.

you mean yukhei and that guy?❞ jeno went back to his tray and ate his food ❝i heard rumors about them dating, why?

he just know yukhei since they met once in the detention room.

mark just stayed silent and kept on stabbing the meat with his fork while looking at the two seated at the far side from their table. he actually thought wrong. seems like there is a lot of things he doesn't know about donghyuck.

jeno giggled ❝since when did you start caring for people who date?

jisung arrived from the cafeteria and this time with a smile ❝well nice to see you again my beloved hyungs.

jeno choked from his fries when he heard jisung talking that way.

mark gave him water ❝what happened to you?

jisung just raised a brow with a smile ❝me? oh, a lot has happened.

minutes later, mark could see donghyuck's group standing up while carrying their tray. they were done eating and are now leaving the cafeteria after placing the trays at the counter to return it.

one of donghyuck's friends went to the other way and walked towards mark's table, specifically to jisung.

jeno and mark could see the younger smiling like crazy. it was as if his lips would reach his ears.

jisung, don't forget about later hm?❞ chenle reminded him and then went back to where donghyuck is

jeno placed his spoon down and mark took a sip at his water.

jisung stared at the two ❝a lot indeed happened.

i didn't know you have things for younger people.❞ jeno shrugged and continued eating his food

what? chenle is a year older what are you saying.❞ jisung furrowed his brow

maybe jeno thought he was younger since he was shorter than jisung and he looked young.

is he the one who will tutor you math?❞ mark questioned in a dull tone

jisung nodded his head and started eating his lunch. he then realized something that made him pause ❝wait, how did you know?

mark shrugged ❝just guessing.

jeno placed his utensils down again, ready to say something ❝mark has been good in guessing things these days. yesterday, he told me to wait until 5 because something good will happen.

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