Part 1

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Kim's POV

"Okay class, if anyone is interested in the foreign-exchange program we have available this summer please pick up a pamphlet on your way out"

My professor informed a not so interested class about the opportunity that they were giving this summer. I wanted to get more information about it, although I highly doubt my parents would allow me to go on this new adventure. I'm 23 years old and still abide by my parents strict stern rules they have set up to allow me 'to succeed'

"Ms. Walsh, I think this program will do you good this summer" My professor informed me as I took a pamphlet

"I'll look into it professor" I replied politely before making my way out of the school campus and heading home for the day. I didn't want to get my hopes up about this new seeking thrill of an experience. A girl can only dream

"Mum I'm home!" I called out as I walked I through the front door

"Kitchen" came the short blunt reply

"Hey mum how are you" I said taking off my backpack and setting it down on the floor

"Do you always have to place that damn oversized rug-sak on the floor? can't you just be like your siblings and hang it up?" she snapped

"Mum I haven't even walked in and you're already snapping" I sighed picking up the bag and hanging it up

"You just need to learn Kimberley." She said as she continued to do the dishes

"Speaking of learning" this is my opportunity, I'll ask straight forward and just get it out there. The sooner I get rejected the better. She just looked at me with her eyebrow raised knowing I was going to ask for something

"They have this program going on this summer and my professor told me that it would be a great opportunity for me to seek" I said suddenly feeling like I'm selling a dishwasher

"What kind of program" she said going back to finishing up the last dish. I took a deep breath ready for the rejection

"It's a foreign-exchange program" I said, she didn't say anything. She simply dried her hands and pulled out a tea towel ready to dry the wet dishes

"What do you think..." I asked after minutes of not getting a reply

"I think that's a really daft program" she said

"I think it's a wonderful chance for me to go out there and see the world, And on top of all that I still will be learning" I said wanting, no needing her to agree to this

"What's so good about going to another country to learn the same stupid stuff you learn here?" she said suddenly raising her tone

"The stuff I learn id not stupid mother. And second of all going to another country allows you to be informed about other peoples lives and family matters... not like this one" I muttered the last part under my breath

"Seeing as if you already have your mind set about the whole program, why are you coming over here asking me for permission then?" she snapped

"Because even though you're a pain in the ares I still respect you enough to come ask" I was getting irritated with the way she's always speaking to me. I'm not a child, I am an adult and I should be allowed to make my own decisions.. especially one like this.

"Well go do as you please. I don't care, you'll have to speak to your father before getting the green light" she never seems to care, she's always saying everything I do is either stupid or a waste of time and money.

"I'll do just that" I said walking out of the kitchen and into the back garden seeing my dad mowing the lawn

"Hey dad" I said walking over to him, he turned off the motor and gave me his full attention. Not like my mother

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