Part 12

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Kim's POV

"Wake up, I'm sorry baby! I'm sorry" I was awoken by a very drunk and emotional Cheryl; pleading and crying to me in my darkened room. The only source of light was the streaming light coming from the corridor

"Shhh!" I hissed turning the lamp on

"I'm sorry" She had mascara tear tracks running down her cheeks, her bottom lip trembling. Hair was a mess, she was a mess.

"You need to be quiet!" I said grabbing her face and covering the palm of my hand over her mouth

"I'm sorry" She said her voice muffling against my skin, she began to kiss the inside of my palm. I was still annoyed with her and was in no mood for her affection

"Be quiet" I repeated, I was afraid Ashley would walk in any second and take in the sight of his wife apologizing to her girlfriend. That would be a show worth paying for.

"Come here" I said pulling away, grabbing her hand and leading her into the ensuite to clean her up

"Baby I'm sorry" She whispered letting the tears come flowing out of her darkened eyes

"Not now Cheryl" I wasn't in the mood for her right now, she really made my blood boil tonight

"Let me get you a change of clothes" I sighed going into my closet grabbing a vest top and a pair of shorts and going back into the bathroom seeing her in the same position I left her in

"Turn around" I instructed unzipping the dress letting it fall to the white tiled floor

"Can I have a small cuddle" She wasn't wearing a bra, the only thing covering her modesty was a flimsy black thong. Even when she was pissed out of her mind, mascara stained cheeks; she still managed to drive me crazy

"No" I said bluntly, not sure I would be able to control myself if I touched her bare skin

"Please baby" The word baby, I've heard it before. But the way it rolled off her tongue, her beautiful husky Geordie accent seemed to turn my insides, working, thumping. It made butterflies circle all over my body, I wanted her to repeat it over and over again

"C'mere" I gently pulled her into me, running my fingers along her bareback getting goosebumps to erupt her gorgeous tan skin. Her hands snacking around my shoulders, placing kisses along my neck

"I'm sorry" She seems to be repeating that word a lot tonight

"Will talk tomorrow" I said kissing her sweetly against her bare shoulder

"Can I sleep in here tonight?" She asked setting her head against my shoulder taking a good look at me. My hands still working along her back, I was addicted to her skin. Soft, velvety, smooth. It was beautiful, it was mine in some way or another.

"Your husband is at the end of corridor" I reminded her, she rolled her eyes and held onto me tighter. She was afraid id push her away, she needed my contact more than anything in this moment.

"I'm having a sleep over" She giggled kissing along my jawline before claiming my lips kissing them urgently. Her fingers laced together behind my neck pushing me further into her heated kiss. Her kiss, the kiss she initiated, the kiss she was controlling.

"Can I?" She asked once again, biting her lower lip nervously. She was afraid of rejection, but there was no rejection coming from me. Not now, not ever.

"Only if you're okay with cuddles" I said making her beam

"You like cuddles? I love cuddles" She sighed happily, hugging me once more before finally releasing herself to get changed. I watched her body move about throwing the over sized vest top over her head covering her sculptured master piece followed by a teasing show of a slow motion swift of putting on the short-shorts

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