Part 4

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Kim's POV

"Come on" I said pulling a giggling Cheryl behind me

"Where you taking us?" she laughed as we made our way through the endless fields

"You'll love it!" I said stopping infront of a red barn

"You brought us to a barn?" She raised her eyebrow

"Don't start moaning until you've seen it" I said lacing our fingers together and walking over to the huge doors

"You ready?" I asked biting my lower lip, she nodded her head eagerly. I opened the doors revealing a pitch dark barn, you couldn't see a thing

"Go on.. stand in the middle" I said pushing her forward

"Are you gonna kill us?" she said sounding terrified

"Quite the opposite actually" I said moving myself over to the light switch. I switched on the light allowing the Christmas lights dotted all along the walls and ceiling giving a stary-night look. Showing off the cozy barn. Records after records shelved up on the walls, jukebox sitting in the corner. She didn't say anything, she just looked around in awe.. I walked over to the jukebox playing a song

"Dance with me" I said taking her hands in my own swaying back and forth staring into each other's eyes. I twirled her a around few times making her face break into a dimpled smile

"You're a good dancer" she said wrapping her arms around my neck as mine went around her waste. I don't know why but I had the sudden urge to kiss her

"Thanks, I used to take ballroom dance classes as a kid" I said

"I used to take hip-hop like classes" she said smiling

"How was it growing up?" I asked taking her by surprise

"Why would you want to know about me childhood?" she pouted, I released her taking both her hands in mine spinning her around and bringing her back against me

"Do you not like to share?" I grinned

"No.. it's just not all interesting" she shrugged, she was closed off and had walls built up to protect herself.

"I remember as a kid my parents used to send me out everyday to buy a carton of milk.. I didn't find out until later that they would send me to the furthest market to get rid of me for awhile. I was a chatterbox as a kid" I said making her laugh

"Was a chatterbox?" she said cheekily

"Oi! fine I won't talk then" I said pretending to be offended, she placed her hand against my cheek forcing me to look at her

"You didn't tell us.. where did you find this place?" she cocked her head

"I bought it" I said taking her by surprise

"Bought it?"

"Yeah.. it's nice isn't it? it even has a bedroom, and I wanted to make it mine. It can be yours too if you'd like, If you just want to get away" I said making her smile

"I must have done something right in my life to have found a friend like you" I don't know why but I was disappointed to hear that I was just her friend. I know she's married.. I know she's a loyal wife, but I wanted her to be mine for some odd reason. I have never fancied a woman until I laid my eyes on her. Her eyes did things to me, making me drown in them, They set me free, They let me see past my sh*t life and into a world where everything was perfect and it was only her and I.

"Must have done something right" I winked making her rest her head on my shoulder

"You hungry?" I asked

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