Part 6

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Kim's POV

We had been sitting here having our dinner, Cheryl and I glancing at each other every so often and quickly averting our eyes to anything else. She was sat next to Ashley across the table from me. For once Ashley was chatting away talking about god knows what. I didn't know what to say, did she regret it? I'm sure she did, she couldn't get out of that room quick enough. To top it all off she was married, but was she happy? Definitely not.

"Right Kim?" Ashley said bringing me out of my thoughts

"I'm sorry what?" I asked looking at Cheryl quickly noticing her nerves

"I was just telling Cheryl how you girls should go on a spa day or something. I've been seeing you studying hard, it would be a nice break for you" he said thoughtfully

"That's very sweet of you Ashley! But I've got a lot of exams coming up" I said trying to come up with any excuse I could tell Cheryl was uncomfortable

"Oh come on! I'm treating you girls" Why was he trying so hard to get rid of us? Maybe he was just being a gentlemen

"I'll think about it" I smiled at him before returning my gaze to my plate picking at my food. The dinner continued with some chatter from Ashley and Cheryl. I stayed quiet trying to get my head around everything. I shouldn't have kissed her back, shouldn't have let it carry on. She's probably beating herself down, feeling guilty. She shouldn't feel guilty, he's just as bad.


Kim's POV

"I'm going to meet some of my mates for a drink. I'll see you later" he told Cheryl walking out of the front door. I had been siting on a stool in the kitchen typing up my paper with a hot cup of tea. I had a lot of work to get done, and I was trying my best to avoid Cheryl. I didn't want her to beat herself down, and if avoiding her did the job then so be it.

"No that sounds stupid" I shook my head pressing the delete button. Writing a paper about love from a mans point of view was the hardest thing I have ever done. This history class will be the death of me. I put myself in the mans position and the first person I pictured was Cheryl. I didn't love her, I knew that. But I was a hell of a lot attracted to her, physically and mentally. I craved her speech, I wanted to hear her thoughts, her complaints, how her day went. I wanted to know everything about her.

I finished up my paper quicker than I would have thought. I guess some inspiration was all I needed. Maybe I should always think of her when writing my papers. I laughed to myself at how daft that sounded. I made a fresh steamy brew and went into the front room to watch some telly before heading up to bed for my long and awaited day.

"Hey.." Cheryl said quietly coming into the darkened front room with the telly being the only source of light

"Hey" I replied taking a sip of my tea and returning my attention back to the show I had been watching

"What you watching?" she asked coming over and sitting on the sofa keeping distance between us

"Some Corrie" I said keeping my attention on the screen. I noticed her shiver from the corner of my eye and I had the only cover from the back of the sofa

"Come here" I said setting my cup of tea on the coffee table and pulling the blanket tapping the empty space beside me. She didn't complain or turn me down, she came and sat beside me I instantly wrapped my arm around her shoulder allowing her to rest her head against my chest.

"Better?" I asked rubbing her forearm to get her warm

"Mhmm" she nodded snuggling further into me

"I love this show" I said looking at her making her smile widely

"Us too, what's your favorite film?"

"That's a tough one.. probably the notebook"

"Okay you're creeping us out, that's me favorite film too" she giggled

"No I think you're just copying me" I said poking her making her squirm

"Don't you dare tickle us" she said quickly moving herself away from me. I got on all fours crawling over to her with a big smile on my face as she giggled uncontrollably. I jumped on top of her straddling her thighs tickling her making her squirm beneath me laughing hysterically

"Kimba!!! stop p-please" she laughed tears rolling down the side of her eyes from laughter

"Okay, Okay" I said watching her catch her breath. God she was beautiful.

"Kimba?" she said looking at me

"Yeah?" I replied smiling

"Kiss me" she said taking me by surprise, I didn't argue. I'd be a fool to argue or turn her down. I lowered myself slowly kissing her softly on the lips

"Open up" I whispered against her lips making her part her puffy lips allowing me to slip my tongue into her mouth. I stroked her cheek whilst her hands found their way in the back of my shirt drawing circles into into my bare back whilst our tongues danced together. I sucked down on her lower lip making her moan

"I love when you do that" she said, so I did it again. Pulling her lower lip between my teeth slipping my tongue back in. We kissed for what seemed like hours, we kissed slowly and affectionately. I pecked her lips one more time before pulling myself off her instantly missing the warmth of her body pressed against my own

"I'm going to head to bed" I said seeing how late it was and knowing I had class the next morning

"Oh.. okay" she said with a disappointed look that I knew she was trying to hide

"I have class early tomorrow.. I would um.. tell you to come sleep with me.. not like that, but like cuddle in bed.. but you know" I sighed

"Yeah.." she sighed standing up as well

"I'll see you tomorrow" I said stepping closer to her, stroking her cheek giving her a kiss on the lips

"Good night" I mumbled against them before claiming her lips once more

"Good night" she smirks shyly as I walked out of the front room but getting one more glance of her, her beauty shinning from the light beaming out of the telly giving her a glow as she shyly bit her lower lip. Giving me one more wave as I disappeared up the stairs.

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