Part 3

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Kim's POV

I woke up the next morning in the same position, Cheryl in my arms sound asleep with a little frown on her face and a crease in her forehead. I slowly, and ever so gently kissed the crease until her face relaxed breaking into a slight smile as she snuggled further into me. I looked over at the digital clock beside the bed and it read 8:07am I should make her some breakfast to wake up to; get her in a better mood. I cautiously untangled her from me afraid I would wake her up from the peaceful sleep she was in and left the bedroom quietly creeping down the stairs and in through the abnormally huge kitchen. The house was quiet you could hear a pin drop throughout the mansion of a home, the atmosphere wasn't happy, there was no love lingering in the air, it was just quiet and consumed of your horrible thoughts that you wished to escape from.

I decided on making her eggs on toast, I once heard her say she loved that breakfast but never was able to cook the eggs properly. I cut up fruit as well putting the plates onto a tray along with a cup of coffee 'I like me coffee in the morning and me tea in the afternoon' she said once while handing me a cup of coffee. She probably didn't think I heard her because I was so engrossed in the book I was studying. But I pay attention to everything she says, every word, every detail.

I carefully carried the tray up the stairs and down the corridor to the bedroom she was sleeping in, kicking the door gently open and shutting it with the back of my foot

"Thought you'd left us" She said smiling sleepily whilst sitting up

"No made you some breakfast" I said placing it on her lap

"Good morning" I added sitting on the edge of the bed

"You didn't have to make us breakfast" She smiled widely, if I only had to make her breakfast to get her to smile like that I would spend forever waking her up with breakfast in bed

"It got you to smile" I said making her blush

"Aye how'd you know I liked me coffee for breakfast.. Ashley is always making us tea- now that I think about it, it was only that once he made us tea" She rolled her eyes taking a sip of the steaming black coffee

"If I remember correctly you said 'I like me coffee in the morning, and me tea in the afternoon'" I said trying to mimic her accent

"You actually listened to us when I told you that?" She asked in shock

"Yep.. Better be careful what you say around me" I winked

"And aren't you going to complement me on my Geordie accent?" I said making her giggle into her cup of coffee

"That was a sh*t try at a Geordie accent.. Better not be goin' around mimickin' us or you'll get your arse kicked" she said making me laugh

"Like you could kick my ass, you'll probably end up hurting yourself" I said throwing a blueberry at her

"Hey! don't go throwin' me breakfast at us" she said pretending to be offended

"Maybe if you'd eat it I wouldn't be throwing it at you" I said sticking my tongue out playfully at her

"Feed us then" she said opening up her mouth

"What do you want me to feed you first?" I said waving the fork and knife, she pointed to the egg on toast first. I fed her, anything to make her happy. She was smiling the whole way through breakfast. This trip has changed my perspective completely. In people, in life, in all aspects. She's changed me in more ways than she will ever know. She doesn't even know the affect she has on me.. She consumed my daily thoughts and I don't know why.

"That was a gorgeous breakfast Kimba" She said licking her lips clean

"Is that what you will be calling me now?" I said smiling whilst placing the tray on the bedside console table

"Do you not like it?" She asked concerned, as if she might have offended me

"No, I love it" I said getting a dimpled smile in return

"Do you want to get changed and head down then?" I asked her

"Erm.. Okay let us just take a shower" She said getting off the bed

"Okay, well I'm just going to change and clean up my messy desk and meet you downstairs" I said smiling whilst walking out of the room and into my own. I felt as if she was nervous to face her husband, last nights argument still worried her. His adultery still in the back of her head, He's still a cheat. She still has her guard up, She's afraid to let him in scared he'd break her once more.

"So this was what I was thinking" She said barging into my bedroom, She seems to be doing that a lot

"Don't think too hard babe, I don't want you to hurt yourself" I giggled

"You cheeky sh*t! Fine I guess I wont invite you on this quest" She huffed pointing her nose in the air pretending to be offended

"Oh Chez I'm just joking" I said but she just ignored me, slowly turning around and leaving my bedroom. I quickly grabbed her by her waist and threw her on the bed making her squeal

"Are you going to invited me?" I said straddling her

"Uh-Ah" She said shaking her head trying her hardest not to smile

"Okay..Well you asked for it" I said attacking her with tickles making her laugh out loud like a school girl. He laugh was like music to my ears, it was euphoric, it was contagious, it was addicting and I couldn't get enough of it

"Kimbaaaa please!!! I'm going to wee meself" She yelped out with tears in her eyes from how hard she had been laughing

"So.." I said with both my hands on either side of her head looking at her intensely, her chocolate orbs boring into my soul, I couldn't look away and I wasn't complaining

"So.." She said in the same tone

"You going to invite me then?" I asked her hot breath hitting against my face

"Well.. since I have to" She said sighing dramatically

"NO, No! Okay! Please Kimba can you join us on this quest?" She giggled as I wiggled my fingers acting as if I was going to tickle her once more. I rolled over laying beside her facing her

"What quest shall we go on milady" I said making her laugh

"I was thinking maybe we could do some shopping? Or something.. Do you have anything in mind?" She asked doubting her request and I couldn't help but laugh

"What?" She huffed

"Nothing you're just cute when you ramble" I said pinching her nose playfully

"Oi! Stop it!" She said swatting my hand away

"Okay.. so your idea is sh*t no offense, I have an idea" I said sitting up and pulling her up with me

"What? What is it?" she asked eagerly jumping around in her spot

"You'll have to wait and see, Come on!" I said helping her off the bed and pulling her along with me as I exited my bedroom

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