Part 18

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Kim's POV

We went about our day, like the conversation never happened last night. I let it, I let it slip by - because I wanted to enjoy my time with her. Feel her in my arms - putting the question behind us. I'm giving her a week, and I'll see it sooner or later - if this love was doomed from the beginning or if there really is a happy ever after for us.

So here we are, sitting in a crowded room - but all I see is her. Everyone else is a blur; even with her a few feet away, I can still feel her arms wrapped around me, her breath against my neck - her lips pressed against my own. I still felt her, because her eyes were burning into my soul; captivating me.

She's confident, She's strong, she's beautiful, and she is making me fall in love with her with each second that passes. She floats about the room, mingling with everyone - mesmerizing me, she's come so far from the girl I first met. Her posture has changed, she's got a radiant glow, her smile is beaming. I walk out of the room in hopes she follows me, and she does - because she always does.

"You're absolutely breathtaking" I whispered in her ear, edging her closer to me. Loving the feel of her body pressed against my own

"Thank you" She smiles, that beautiful dimpled smile

"You look amazing, you know I love you in yellow" She said taking me in - all of me; every inch. She was capturing this moment - mentally.

"I want to get away later" I said, looking around the empty corridor making sure no one was in sight

"Where are you taking us?" She asked, biting her lower lip in anticipation, in excitement. Because I gave her that rush, I gave her that feeling of freedom. I gave that to her - no one else.

"Our place" I said making her smile grow, she knew I wanted to make love to her; make love. I wanted to feel her give herself to me, explode in my arms. Send her into another world with my touches. She knew.

"Later" She whispered looking around before placing a kiss against my lips, the same kiss that made fireworks erupt inside of me

"Say it" She whispers against my lips

"I love you" and I did, I loved her with every bone in my body

"Say it" I whisper, kissing her beautifully glossed lips

"I love you" She said kissing me hard, and passionately - her lip gloss mixing with my own. The taste of sweet cherry mixing in with our saliva

"Come with us inside" She said breathlessly

"Wait baby," I said taking her beaming face in my hands, wiping away her evident smeared lip gloss

"I love when you call us baby" She admitted, looking into my eyes. Her brown orbs sparkling

"Do you?-" I winked

"I'll be calling you baby - all - night - long" I emphasized each word with a kiss

"Come on" She giggled taking my hand; leading us back out to the party. Taking me around introducing me to everyone, her hand never leaving mine. It came as a shock at first; but I embraced it. She was radiating, her smile was infectious

"And this is Will, Will I'd like you to meet me best friend Kimberley" She said, her voice had so much happiness laced in it - it made my insides flutter. Her smile projected onto him as he took me in; I released my hand from hers and shook his hand. He was a nice man, you could see the good in his eyes; the way they sparkled. He spoke with so much enthusiasm in his voice, that you couldn't help but listen to every word that passed his lips

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