Chapter 27

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Opening the door*

"Hey baby"


"Awww Chanyeol it's you" I couldn't see you behind the big bunch of flowers

Baekhyun pov

"These are for you baby" he says handing them to me as he comes in the door

"Why didn't you use your key chanyeol?" I ask him as I head to the kitchen and find something to put the flowers into.

"This is your place now baek why would I use my key" while taking the flowers out of my hand and coming closer to me with that sexy smirk he does.

"I've missed you chanyeol" while he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me in close and kissing my neck making a chill go down my spine.

"I've missed you so much baby" while running a hand through my hair and down my cheek lifting up my chin and kissing me ever so softly and deeply, I can't help but let out a sigh

"Can I stay over tonight?" he askes between kisses

"I'd love you too Chanyeol"

"Well then I better go shower and change" he whispers pulling away from me

Reaching out my arms like a little child that has their favourite teddy taken away from them as he walks away

"I won't be long baby" he winks at me as he leaves the kitchen while taking off his top

Hearing the shower on I can't help but  sneak into the bathroom as I watch him through the glass, I start to druel watching him shower

"You like what you see?" he questions me without turning around

"How did you know" I giggle out as I bite the sleeve of my top looking at him 

Turning around naked he opens the glass door as he slicks back his hair, I watch the water fall down along is toned muscled body placing his arms up above his head and holding onto the frame of the shower that the door attaches to, he looks at me like he wants to eat me alive.

"Come here" while calling me with his finger

"No no" I giggle while trying not to druel at the sight of him

"Fine then" while stepping out of the shower walking towards me all naked and dripping wet from the shower, making me swallow hard and shake a little in a good way of course. Reaching me he grabs hold of my top and starts to pull me by it into the shower.

"Chanyeol wait" I laugh out

He pulls me into the shower with my clothes on making me giggle

"Awww chanyeol my clothes"

"Well I'll just have to take them off you" he smiles while pulling my clothes off and just dropping them to the floor

"I've missed this body" he whispers while kissing me softly as he runs his hands down my back and grabbing my ass.

All of a sudden I feel weak making me pull away from his kiss as I grab out for balance

Chanyeol pov

"Shit baek are you ok?"
watching him pass out "shit baek baby wake up please I gently shake him. Reaching up I turn off the shower and lift him out and run him into to the bedroom laying him on the bed as I grab a towel and cover him up as I try waking him.

Checking his pulse which is strong I can't understand why he has passed out . "Baby baby please wake up"

Grabbing my phone I ring Kai

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