Chapter 55 Part1

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Baekhyun pov

Waking up with a fright to my alarm screaming it's morning sound I reach to grab it quickly and turn it off, looking at the screen I spot I have missed a call from Chanyeol lastnight as I had forgot to put the sound back on my phone.

"Shit" I fall back onto the bed and hiss with the sudden pain running up my back

Quickly getting up I remove Chanyeol's top that I wore lastnight and turn to look at my back in the mirror after seeing the blood on my top

All over my back is red raw and dry lines of blood from scrubbing it with the hard brush in the shower lastnight, I begin to cry which turns into a sobs

"How am I going to explain this to Chanyeol" I sob again when I hear  the buzzer for the gate go,covering myself I head out to see who it is, I spot kyungsoo and Luhan at the gate, I start to panic and push the button to let them in

I quickly throw the top under the bed and grab a fresh one putting it on I wipe my tears before opening the door as I see them both walk up the steps to my door

"Morning baek how are you feeling this morning?" Luhan leans in and kisses my cheek

"You have been crying" Kyungsoo moves closer to me as I move inside so he can't touch my back

"Aww no I just got bad morning sickness this morning I was in the bathroom when you buzzed up"

"Are you coming to college?" Luhan questions me as he slumps down on the sofa

I really don't want to but I know I need to as I have already missed loads I think to myself 

"Yes I just need to shower and get dressed" I smile while turning to leave

"I'll make you some breakfast while we wait" Kyungsoo smiles heading into the kitchen and dropping his bag on the nearby stool

"Just some fruit will be ok I really can't stomach anything heavy after being sick" I smile a fake smile

Reaching the bathroom I close the door and open the press under the sink and take out the antiseptic bottle, turning on the shower I step in and grabbing a small face cloth I place it between my teeth and bite down on it as I pour the antiseptic liquid down my back, the stinging sensation makes my eyes water and bite harder on the wash cloth trying so hard to hush my scream

Once the stinging has stopped I quickly wash the rest of my body, I  quickly get dressed and join the others in the kitchen 

"Aww you look all nice and fresh" Luhan says while tucking into some fruit

"Ready to go?" I ask them both as kyungsoo hands me a tub of cut fruit to eat on the way

As we reach the school I carefully park the car, as we head inside I slowly approach my locker afraid to see what's inside. Taking a deep breath I look around and slowly open it to see nothing out of the ordinary. I breathe a sigh of relief, quickly I grab the books I need and head to class

The morning has passed by nicely and time for lunch arrived, we head into the cafeteria and take our seats

"Anybody want anything?" Kyungsoo asks while stand up to get food

"I'd love some fries  I'm craving fries" I say making the others laugh

"You need to eat more then fries baek" kyungsoo scoldes me

"Ok then how about some chicken aswell" I give him a big toothy smile making him walk away laughing

"Did I hear someone say Chicken?" Turning around we see Kai come towards us and then sit in front of us

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