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Baeks pov

"Chanyeol I'm gonna head off to college now" grabbing my bag and coat I head towards the door

"Oh no you don't" chanyeol grabs me around my waist kissing my neck

"I promised D.O I would head off early so we can catch up and get the work I missed out on"

"I thought I was driving you to college like I always do baby?" Pulling away I give him the puppy dog eyes

"Chanyeol I can make my own way I can't keep asking you to do things for me, plus one morning won't hurt will it?" Hugging chanyeol I kiss him goodbye

"Ok ok wait, if I can't drive you then will you take your car" taking keys from his pocket he hands me them. Looking at what looks like cars keys in my hand, I look at him shocked

"Chanyeol I can't drive your car you need it for work" trying to hand them back he moves away

"No baby those are now your keys to your car"

"What do you mea...... Omg did you buy me a car?"

"I did baby I don't want you to feel a prisoner here, plus I know you won't want me in your face all the time driving you everywhere so I bought you a car and plus it will be good for when our little one arrives"

Still standing in shock, looking at the keys in my hand I feel my emotions take over as a tear escapes

"It's down stairs beside mine baby wanna have a look?" chanyeol takes my hand and brings me down the stairs arriving in the large garage I stop walking, looking over at the Hyundai with a big red bow he stands beside it with the biggest smile which soon fades away 

"Oh no you can't drive, damn Kai he said you could drive, I'm gonna kill him" he kicks the tyre in anger

"No chanyeol I can drive it's just, I've never had anyone buy for me like this before its way to much, I can't except this" I turn and try walk away in embrassement

"Hey no no baek don't walk away from me" chanyeol runs and stops in front of me

"Baek we are together yes ? We are having a baby together yes? Just let me spoil you please, your so worth it baby everything I have is also yours baek please take it" handing me back the keys I can't help but smile at him with tears

"Chanyeol you are crazy" wiping away my tears I lean in and kiss him "thank you for this I can never repay you"

"Baek you never have to, now go on get in have a feel of it and let me if you like it ok, text me or call me on your break" taking the bow of the car as he smiles at me "I love you"

"I'll call you and I love you too" I close the door and putting my seat belt on I push the button moving the window down as chanyeol leans in and kisses me softly "drive safe my babies " moving off I head for college.

Pulling into the car park at school I see D.O looking at me all shocked as I pull up and park beside him

"Omg baek where you get this, no no let me guess its chanyeols"

"Nope it's mine he gave it to me" I smile climbing out of the drivers seat and grabbing my bag from the back

"Wow baek lucky you why red, isn't yellow your favourite colour? He questions me

"Yes it is but I'm not gonna be picky on colour now am I, when he probably spent a fortune on it" linking D.O we head inside the building to one of our class rooms early stopping by my locker first as D.O runs into the bathroom nearby screaming 
"should have went before I left, should have went before I left"  as he walks funny and quickly into the bathroom making me laugh

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