Chapter 18

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"Hey baby wake up its ok" pulling him up from laying down, I wrap my arms around him holding him tight, rocking him back and forth as he sobs into my chest. "Shhhh it's ok, it was just a bad dream I've got you baby"

"Chan.. he.. Tj.. was trying to... to.. kill... me"

"Nobody is gonna hurt you anymore baby, not while I'm around ok?"

As Baek sobs into my chest, I can't help but want to find this bastard and kill him myself.

"Wh.... where did...did ... you...go?" he stutters through sobs.

"I just went to get some logs to put on the fire in here baby, so you wouldn't get cold." Running my fingers through his hair, feeling the sweat from his nightmare as he trembles in my arms.
"Come on baby get up"

"Wh...why wha...what's.... wrong?" he looks up at me like a hurt puppy.

Running the back of my hand down his face the way he seems to like it, he starts to calm at my touch.

"Lets get you into a nice warm shower" I whisper as I pick him up from the bed bridal style, wrapping his arms around my neck, as he leans his head into my chest.

"But the power is gone" he sniffs.

"It's ok baby, it came back on while you where sleeping"

Reaching the bathroom, I sit him on the countertop that he sat on earlier, I switch on the shower letting it heat up. Turning to look at him sitting there, looking all lost and heartbroken as he plays with the string of his bottoms. I cant help but think nobody really knows how bad things have been with Baek, he has kept it all to himself, as not to hurt the people around him, even though he was the one that was being hurt so much. He finally let down his barrier and told me, getting everything off his chest.

"Chanyeol I'm so tired"

"That's ok baby you will be after everything you have been bottling up" I softly say as I walk towards him taking his hands in mine. "Baby you have kept all this to yourself, why didnt you tell someone?"

"I told you, I didnt want them to get hurt or to be a burden" he sobs out again. "I feel like a weight has been lifted off me" he sniffs.

"That's because you finally told someone everything, Come on let's get you in the shower" I say offering my hand to him, to help him down from the counter top.

Turning to get a towel off the rail I turn back towards him, and there he stands fully naked not a care in the world at who sees him.

"Shit Baek sorry" I blush as I cover my eyes.

"It's ok" he says with a sexy smirk as he steps into the shower.

Putting the lid down on the toilet, I take a seat waiting for him to finish.
I still don't know what I'm gonna do, if I should tell kyungsoo what has been going on. Awww, I should keep his secret, I'm the only one he opened up to, I can't break the trust he has in me, as it would kill me to loose him.

"Baby I'm just gonna get you some fresh clothes ok?" I leave the towel over the shower door.

"Ok" he says while looking around the glass at me, with suds in his hair and a big smile on his face making me smile at the cutie.

Looking through my wardrobe, I pull out a pair of grey tracksuit bottoms, "hmmm they will look cute on him" I smile out, then look for more, I find a white t shirt with a logo on it and throw them onto the bed.

"Hey" he says as he heads into the bedroom with his towel hanging low on his waist, with his red hair pushed back, I can't help but stare at him as the droplets of water roll down his body, I swallow hard at the beautiful sight.

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