Chapter 24.1

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B pov

Opening my eyes as I slowly stretch out, shit where am I?. Sitting up I pull the covers closer to me covering myself, wait where are my jeans? Looking around the room with cloudy sleepy eyes my head hurts a little.

Wait this is chanyeol place, oh god what happened last night?, I went to Chens with the others, how did I end up here, where is he?

Climbing out of bed I grab my jeans off the end of the bed and pull them on.

Following the smell of food, I head out of the bedroom heading to the kitchen, there standing in just a pair of shorts is Chanyeol placing pancakes onto plates

"Hey baby, how did you sleep?" he says looking up at me with a smile that makes me melt every time I see it .

"I'm ok, head hurts a little though"

"Come over and sit down, I've made us breakfast" he says while sitting down in front of one of the plates.

Walking over with my head bowed as I'm embrassed I can't remember lastnight, I sit down and start to tuck into the breakfast of pancakes with strawberries and fresh orange juice.

"Ch... chanyeol what happened last night, how did I end up here?"

"Well sweetie you got so drunk that Kyungsoo and Lay dropped you here"

"Why didn't they just put me to bed?" I say while taking a sip of my orange juice.

"Well maybe because you kept asking for me and wanted to see me that much" he says with a smirk while placing some pancakes in his mouth.

"Oh" I say while blushing

"You came home drunk baby"

"I....I'm Sorry Chanyeol"

"Haha baek I'm kidding with you" he says while turning me and making me face him.
"I'm glad you did come over I was missing you, my bed wasn't the same with out you Baek" he says while leaning in for a kiss.

Pulling away I bow my head with sadness.

"Hey baby what's wrong?" he says while lifting up my chin so he can look into my eyes.

"I have to go home tomorrow" I say with a sad tone as my eyes start to fill up .

"I know baby but don't worry we can spend the day together if you like" he says while kissing me again.

"I don't want to go home Chanyeol, I can't face Tj, I can't live there anymore, I just can't please let me stay here with you"

"Hey, hey baby don't cry it's all going to be ok, but we all need to go home baby you have college and I have work we....... "
cutting him off mid sentence

I shout at him with pure anger dropping my cutlery, standing up I go to leave the kitchen running into the bedroom to get my shoes sitting on the bed I pull my shoes on.

"Baek baby what's wrong?" he asks softly from the doorway of the bedroom.

"Just leave me alone Chanyeol" I say while pushing past him and walking towards the door of the cabin.

As I reach the handle of the door to open it, I feel his arm come over my shoulder and stop the door from opening. Feeling his hands on my waist as he turns me around to face him I can't help but cry out.

"Baek tell me please baby"

"Chanyeol just leave me alone ok,I want to leave"

"I don't want you to leave baek, I want to talk about this, what have I said to upset you so much?"

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