Chapter 61

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Baekhyun's pov

Climbing out of bed slowly as not to wake Chanyeol, I grab some clothes and head into the bathroom to get changed real quick. Once I'm ready I head out grabbing my phone and car keys while scribbling a note and leaving it on the bed side table so chanyeol can see it as he wakes.

Sneaky out as not to wake sehun and luhan also, I grab my shoes and close the door gently behind me as I hurry down the stairs to the lobby slipping on my shoes and walking to my car.

The sun hasn't come up yet, there is still a chill in the air so I pull up my hoodie and walk quickly to my car. Pressing the button to open it I climb inside feeling my stomach start to turn. "Oh no little one not now please" I rub my stomach and take a few breaths. Feeling it settle I start the engine and turn on the heater warming up the car before I head off.

Driving along I decide to head to a early morning coffee shop that the early morning workers go to. Parking my car I go inside to the smell of freshly made coffee and fresh made cakes. I join the que behind tired all night nurses and wide awake business people. Finally my turn arrives I order a decaf tea and a slice of cake not caring what people think of me eating cake this hour of the morning.

I sit down the back by the window and tuck into my cake sipping my tea as I look out the window as the sun starts to rise. Taking out my phone I dial Chanyeol's office number and wait to see if anyone answers.

As a lady answers I ask her to pass me over to Justin and I'm happy to know he has just arrived to work

"Hey Justin it's baek"

Omg baek how have you been"

"I'm fine, look Justin I need a favour"

Once I get the information I need I hang up the phone and put the directions into my map app on my phone. Finishing my food and tea I decide to head back to the car

"Ok little one please don't judge me for what I am going to do today" starting the car I take a deep breath and pull out into traffic and follow the directions on my phone.

Reaching the place I park my car and walk towards the giant black iron gates as the caretaker opens them as an older lady stands beside me wearing her best clothes carrying a bunch of flowers. She smiles and hands me a single flower from the bunch as I bow with thanks.

Stepping inside I look around at all the stones carrying sadness with them of what lays beneath.

Following the directions I got earlier I reach my destination, taking a deep breath I step closer and face the stone. I glance over the stone but read the name.

Timothy James (Tj)

"Well here I am Tj, looks like you lost this round, just to let you know you will never come between me and my man ever again, we are gonna live a happy life and have a beautiful baby of our own, Chanyeol loves me more then you ever have and guess what he is still alive, so here I am to say goodbye to you once last time" dropping the flower on the over turned mud where grass use to lay I turn to walk away.

"Oh one more thing, I hope you rot in hell" reaching for the flower I just dropped on his grave I pick it back up and place it on the grave beside his and leave.

Climbing into my car I feel a weight has been lifted off my chest, I finally feel free all of a sudden.

Starting the car I head to the park I love so much and sit on my favourite bench

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