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[Hello blazing_blossom here well here's the first five chapters republished at last. Thanks to all of you for supporting me even through all my mistakes. I hope this version's even better that the last one. Please like and comment. Don't be afraid to correct or criticise me.



I paced around frantically in my family's training dojo. A myriad of kunai lay on the floor. It was the first time in half a decade that I had failed to hit a target.

I had a 100% accuracy in marksmanship but I knew that the reason I had failed to hit a target was not because I was out of practise. I had made sure to polish my skills by training daily afterall

In secret of course though. If the King knew that a female was practising any type of jutsu my head would find itself detached from my body. All because the "99th law".

I knew that my skills hadn't somehow degraded overnight either. It was solely due to the fact that my mind was elsewhere...

Not on my impending future as a "wife" nor on any of the things a supercilious 17-year-old girl "should" be thinking of.

The very axis of my world currently revolved around a letter. A single piece of paper that would save and damn my family's fate forever.

Save or damn. It all depended on how you looked at it. On who was reading it.

I reached into the back-pocket and fished out the letter.

I opened it again being careful not to break the rubber seal...
As I reread its contents, to ensure I hadn't interrupted it incorrectly, I couldn't help but scowl.

It was from King Hiashi─the 4th King of the Land of Sun─who was also an old friend of my father.

I know what you must be wondering how was a man from a backwater village like this once friends with the King of this country? was why we had such a large land in said village.

My father, Jin Kunai was once the captain of King Hyūga's royal army and close friend of the King. He was gifted a large territory for being a hero of the 2nd Great Shinobi War.

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